0:00:08.433,0:00:15.351 I grew up on a beach in an island[br]called Tasmania, a beautiful place. 0:00:16.440,0:00:21.190 It gave me the opportunity to meet[br]and interact with incredible creatures, 0:00:21.681,0:00:26.633 and it was where I developed[br]a deep connectivity with the ocean. 0:00:26.833,0:00:30.610 Now, Tasmania is one of the most beautiful[br]islands on the planet. 0:00:30.610,0:00:35.470 But 30 years ago, the city I grew up in[br]had a terrible problem. 0:00:35.470,0:00:40.330 The ocean was polluted[br]with the outfall from heavy industry. 0:00:40.330,0:00:42.495 There was a pulp and paper mill, 0:00:42.505,0:00:46.806 a paint pigment plant[br]and a slaughterhouse among them. 0:00:47.216,0:00:51.576 These were causing rashes on the bodies[br]of swimmers and surfers, 0:00:51.576,0:00:55.568 and when you got out of the water,[br]you had sore red eyes. 0:00:55.888,0:00:57.768 Burnie, at that time, 0:00:57.768,0:01:01.728 had one of the highest incidence[br]of cancer in Australia. 0:01:02.388,0:01:07.348 Following the lead of three generations[br]of journalists in my family, 0:01:07.578,0:01:11.008 I made it my investigative[br]mission to uncover 0:01:11.008,0:01:13.899 whether these industries[br]were, in fact, responsible[br] 0:01:13.899,0:01:16.119 for the illnesses we were seeing 0:01:16.119,0:01:20.908 and also the poor state[br]of the ecosystem along the coastline. 0:01:21.669,0:01:25.507 So, I got a laboratory to test[br]the waters around Burnie, 0:01:25.507,0:01:29.459 and they found that the outfall[br]from the pulp and paper mill 0:01:29.459,0:01:32.009 contained organic chlorines. 0:01:32.009,0:01:37.161 And these had dangerous[br]cancer-causing dioxins. 0:01:37.831,0:01:40.070 So, I put these findings[br]to the state government 0:01:40.070,0:01:41.960 and the minister for the environment, 0:01:41.960,0:01:43.590 and he admitted for the first time 0:01:43.590,0:01:48.290 that they knew about these organic[br]chlorines and these dioxins 0:01:48.290,0:01:51.801 and that they were dangerous,[br]but they hadn't informed the public. 0:01:52.023,0:01:57.175 So, I published my stories[br]in the local newspaper, 0:01:57.901,0:02:02.413 and it caused a storm of protest[br]across Australia. 0:02:04.283,0:02:08.768 National papers declared Burnie[br]"Australia's dirtiest city." 0:02:08.768,0:02:12.707 I wasn't very popular with our local[br]tourism authority, I can tell you. 0:02:13.180,0:02:15.939 I was 20 years of age at the time. 0:02:17.529,0:02:19.647 Shortly after those stories[br]were published, 0:02:19.647,0:02:21.999 the industries started to close down, 0:02:22.589,0:02:29.449 and today, Burnie has some[br]of the bluest water along the coastline, 0:02:29.449,0:02:33.366 and the fish have returned[br]to the waters around the city. 0:02:34.248,0:02:38.418 I learned then about[br]the power of the media. 0:02:42.349,0:02:46.299 Now, as I developed my skills in the media 0:02:46.779,0:02:50.229 through newspapers, radio and television, 0:02:50.629,0:02:53.038 I also developed a passion for film. 0:02:53.038,0:02:58.748 Film gave me the ability to tell stories[br]and to make documentaries 0:02:58.748,0:03:03.698 that gave voice to silent creatures[br]like the worms from my childhood. 0:03:05.477,0:03:08.613 But I also had a deep love 0:03:08.613,0:03:13.833 for a particular species[br]that had consumed my time as a child, 0:03:13.833,0:03:18.188 and that was the blue whale,[br]an immense creature, 0:03:18.194,0:03:20.896 also incredibly shy. 0:03:21.686,0:03:27.455 An opportunity came to film a documentary[br]off the south coast of Sri Lanka. 0:03:27.455,0:03:30.144 It was the culmination, for me,[br]of a life's dream. 0:03:30.144,0:03:34.154 Now, blue whales are the biggest[br]animals ever to have lived. 0:03:34.154,0:03:36.014 They're bigger than any dinosaur. 0:03:36.014,0:03:38.263 They grow up to about 37 meters long. 0:03:38.393,0:03:40.943 They have a heart as big as a car. 0:03:40.943,0:03:43.007 But they were hunted almost to extinction, 0:03:43.007,0:03:46.357 and as a result,[br]they're extremely elusive. 0:03:46.357,0:03:51.377 Trying to find them is like trying to find[br]a needle in a massive haystack. 0:03:52.083,0:03:55.673 We went up and down the coastline[br]of Sri Lanka for weeks on end, 0:03:55.679,0:03:57.695 searching for these whales. 0:03:57.695,0:04:01.845 We would see a spout in the distance,[br]we'd head towards it. 0:04:02.055,0:04:05.736 We would get our cameras[br]into our underwater housings. 0:04:05.967,0:04:09.696 We'd get our teams into the water,[br]we'd move towards the whales, 0:04:10.038,0:04:11.906 and then we would never see them again.[br] 0:04:11.906,0:04:16.080 And this happened day after day[br]after day after day. 0:04:16.080,0:04:19.611 And if you want to know[br]what it's like to go crazy, 0:04:19.611,0:04:22.580 look out into an open ocean,[br]empty open ocean 0:04:22.580,0:04:25.930 for day after day after day after day. 0:04:25.930,0:04:28.740 That's where coffee[br]became a big friend of mine. 0:04:29.769,0:04:34.360 So, we searched[br]near an underwater seamount, 0:04:34.360,0:04:35.995 and this is where krill gather 0:04:35.995,0:04:38.075 because they're brought in[br]by the currents. 0:04:38.075,0:04:41.445 And we knew the whales would head there[br]because they eat krill. 0:04:41.445,0:04:43.055 We didn't find whales. 0:04:43.055,0:04:47.185 What we found was something[br]very significant. 0:04:47.185,0:04:50.424 It was a floating landfill of plastic. 0:04:50.851,0:04:56.542 This was a massive slick of detritus[br]as far as the eye could see. 0:04:57.183,0:05:03.574 It contained old fishing nets, bait boxes,[br]plastic bottles, used lighters, 0:05:03.574,0:05:07.252 even unopened biscuits -[br]the wastage of humanity. 0:05:07.252,0:05:09.613 It was absolutely dreadful. 0:05:09.743,0:05:14.123 It was the sign of a coming tragedy. 0:05:14.613,0:05:16.741 We didn't know that at the time. 0:05:16.918,0:05:20.302 We kept looking for the whales[br]for three weeks, 0:05:20.302,0:05:21.692 and our time finally ran out. 0:05:21.692,0:05:25.652 We had to head back to port[br]because our visas were about to expire. 0:05:25.942,0:05:29.241 But I'm an incredibly stubborn individual, 0:05:29.241,0:05:34.732 and I hadn't come this far and worked[br]this hard to give up this easily, 0:05:34.732,0:05:39.913 so I refused to allow the cameras[br]to be packed away. 0:05:40.281,0:05:45.334 I refused to allow the dive tanks[br]to be put under the boat. 0:05:47.072,0:05:50.763 I was going to exhaust[br]every possible moment we had on the water. 0:05:51.632,0:05:57.073 Now, when someone yells "Whale,"[br]your adrenaline really spikes. 0:05:57.712,0:06:01.792 Someone yelled "Whale,"[br]and my adrenaline shot through the roof. 0:06:02.723,0:06:09.103 There, 100 meters[br]off our bow, was a spout - 0:06:09.573,0:06:10.934 (Splashing sound) 0:06:10.934,0:06:13.337 high and very visible. 0:06:14.898,0:06:16.937 We cut the motors on the boat, 0:06:17.716,0:06:19.564 we put the dive teams in the water, 0:06:19.564,0:06:22.614 and the cameras,[br]and I got in with the crews, 0:06:22.614,0:06:27.896 and we slowly finned over[br]towards what was a pot of whales. 0:06:27.896,0:06:31.152 And as we got closer, we realized[br]this was a family of eight, 0:06:31.152,0:06:34.904 and in this family[br]of eight whales was a juvenile. 0:06:34.904,0:06:38.554 And when I say "juvenile,"[br]he was 15 meters long. 0:06:39.054,0:06:42.021 And he was as curious of us[br]as we were of him, 0:06:42.021,0:06:46.603 and with the big flick of his tail,[br]he dived incredibly deep and out of sight, 0:06:46.873,0:06:51.264 and then, moments later, he came up[br]right between our cameras, 0:06:52.134,0:06:54.344 and we had, for the first time, 0:06:54.344,0:06:57.494 footage, under water,[br]on cinematic cameras, 0:06:57.494,0:06:59.574 of a juvenile blue whale. 0:06:59.574,0:07:02.583 It was a profound moment for us. 0:07:03.824,0:07:07.155 As we were heading back to port[br]and I was reflecting on the shoot, 0:07:07.155,0:07:11.259 I realized that these whales[br]were resting and probably feeding 0:07:11.259,0:07:15.602 right near where we had filmed[br]this floating landfill of plastic. 0:07:15.602,0:07:19.591 Now, whales, when they feed -[br]blue whales - they open their mouths, 0:07:19.591,0:07:24.490 they suck in thousands of liters of water,[br]and they expel that water, 0:07:24.490,0:07:28.323 leaving behind the krill[br]in their baleen, or their teeth. 0:07:28.332,0:07:32.680 But whales can't tell the difference[br]between krill and plastic. 0:07:34.222,0:07:40.402 The Sri Lankan expedition[br]was the start of an epic quest for us, 0:07:40.762,0:07:43.443 but it posed more questions[br]than it answered: 0:07:43.443,0:07:45.833 If whales were consuming plastic 0:07:45.833,0:07:49.223 in a pristine environment[br]like the Indian Ocean, 0:07:49.223,0:07:53.642 what was happening to marine life[br]in oceans in other parts of the planet? 0:07:54.081,0:08:00.824 And if as we'd found out that 350 million[br]tons of plastic were being made that year, 0:08:00.824,0:08:03.943 how much of that[br]was ending up in the oceans? 0:08:03.943,0:08:08.013 And if marine life in oceans[br]around the world were consuming plastic, 0:08:08.014,0:08:10.224 and we're at the top of the food chain, 0:08:10.224,0:08:12.564 what did that mean for human health? 0:08:13.244,0:08:18.464 Well, we gathered teams[br]and crews and scientists, 0:08:18.464,0:08:23.220 and we traveled for four years[br]around the globe to 20 different locations 0:08:23.220,0:08:27.624 to answer these questions[br]for our film "A Plastic Ocean." 0:08:28.163,0:08:30.454 Our investigation was relentless. 0:08:30.454,0:08:35.304 For example, we found[br]that 70% of plastic sinks. 0:08:36.044,0:08:40.144 Now, what we'd seen then[br]was just the tip of the iceberg, 0:08:40.144,0:08:44.444 so we hired a research vessel[br]and two submarines, 0:08:44.444,0:08:46.124 and we went to the Mediterranean, 0:08:46.124,0:08:48.583 and we traveled to the bottom [br]of the Mediterranean, 0:08:48.583,0:08:50.633 1,600 meters below the surface, 0:08:50.633,0:08:55.033 to see what happened[br]to plastic in the absence of light, 0:08:55.033,0:08:56.644 in the absence of oxygen. 0:08:57.524,0:08:59.633 We traveled thousands of kilometers 0:08:59.633,0:09:04.063 to the Pacific, to islands[br]where seabirds were ingesting plastic, 0:09:04.063,0:09:05.703 mistaking it for food. 0:09:07.474,0:09:13.723 One of the most powerful scenes[br]in the film is of a heroic little seabird 0:09:13.723,0:09:15.424 called a shearwater. 0:09:15.424,0:09:19.624 These birds, chicks,[br]were turning up dead in their hundreds 0:09:19.624,0:09:22.164 on an island called Lord Howe Island. 0:09:23.194,0:09:25.834 And when we opened[br]the stomachs of these birds, 0:09:25.834,0:09:29.873 we found them filled with plastic. 0:09:30.513,0:09:33.732 In one particular little chick, 0:09:34.112,0:09:39.122 we found 272 pieces of plastic. 0:09:39.532,0:09:44.384 That's equal to about 12 pizzas[br]if you were to eat them all at once 0:09:44.384,0:09:46.394 and put them in your stomach. 0:09:46.394,0:09:49.664 Can you imagine the pain[br]this animal was going through? 0:09:49.664,0:09:54.504 As we opened other chicks,[br]we found a red bottle cap, 0:09:54.504,0:09:55.884 and I realized at that moment 0:09:55.884,0:10:01.573 that that bottle cap could have been[br]a bottle cap I threw away years earlier 0:10:01.573,0:10:05.645 without understanding[br]the consequences of my actions. 0:10:06.244,0:10:09.997 Now, if I'm a surfer, a diver[br]and an ocean explorer, 0:10:09.997,0:10:14.994 and I didn't realize the consequences[br]of my actions to the natural world 0:10:14.994,0:10:16.064 eight years ago, 0:10:16.064,0:10:19.255 how could I expect anyone else[br]to understand theirs? 0:10:20.404,0:10:27.243 We needed awareness, and "A Plastic Ocean"[br]would become the tool for that awareness. 0:10:30.401,0:10:32.900 Now, scientists told us 0:10:32.900,0:10:39.280 that we would dispose of[br]between 8 and 12 million tons of plastic 0:10:39.280,0:10:42.229 into the world's oceans every year. 0:10:42.838,0:10:45.920 How on earth did we allow that to happen? 0:10:46.748,0:10:52.190 Well, the answer's simple: We were[br]told plastic would make our lives easier. 0:10:52.639,0:10:55.060 We would no longer have to do[br]the washing up. 0:10:55.060,0:10:57.270 It would keep our food fresher. 0:10:57.270,0:11:01.174 It would protect our consumer products[br]like no other material before it. 0:11:01.174,0:11:03.524 And in many ways, it did just that. 0:11:05.369,0:11:10.189 But we were also told that plastic[br]could be used just once and thrown away. 0:11:10.970,0:11:12.331 Think about that. 0:11:13.301,0:11:16.485 Plastic is the most durable product[br]we have ever made. 0:11:16.485,0:11:20.956 How can the most durable product[br]we've ever made be considered disposable? 0:11:21.556,0:11:24.966 The answer is, "It can't. It isn't." 0:11:24.966,0:11:30.715 Every piece of plastic ever made is still[br]on the Earth unless it's been burned. 0:11:33.253,0:11:34.901 In the past decade, 0:11:35.241,0:11:39.892 we have produced more plastic[br]than the entire century before that. 0:11:40.352,0:11:41.371 Fifteen years ago, 0:11:41.371,0:11:44.261 the United States'[br]Center for Decease Control 0:11:44.261,0:11:50.082 released a study which showed[br]that more than 92% of all Americans 0:11:50.413,0:11:54.679 contain chemicals related to plastic[br]in their blood and their urine. 0:11:54.930,0:11:56.413 And more disturbing than that 0:11:56.413,0:12:01.763 was that children between the ages[br]of 6 and 11 have twice as much. 0:12:02.433,0:12:08.222 Now, plastic chemical like phthalates[br]and bisphenol As contain compounds 0:12:08.762,0:12:13.822 which have estrogenic activity,[br]which mimic and sometimes block 0:12:13.832,0:12:16.802 the natural hormonal[br]production of our bodies. 0:12:17.343,0:12:22.702 Recent research shows that these[br]can cause endocrine disruptive decease, 0:12:22.702,0:12:27.954 cancer, diabetes, fertility[br]and other reproductive issues. 0:12:29.102,0:12:32.790 But plastic has become[br]an integral part of our society. 0:12:32.790,0:12:34.122 It's a very useful tool. 0:12:34.122,0:12:39.812 My cameras, my car, my computers -[br]all contain plastic components. 0:12:39.812,0:12:44.170 But our habitual consumption[br]of single-use plastic 0:12:44.170,0:12:47.420 is destroying life-giving environments. 0:12:47.420,0:12:51.242 It's killing other species,[br]and it's polluting our food source. 0:12:51.672,0:12:55.402 So, what will happen[br]if we don't stop production of plastic? 0:12:55.402,0:12:59.582 Well, as of 2015,[br]we had produced, globally - 0:12:59.582,0:13:03.222 since plastic production[br]has begun in the '50s - 0:13:03.222,0:13:06.472 8.3 billion tons of plastic. 0:13:06.742,0:13:08.742 8.3 billion tons. 0:13:09.551,0:13:13.530 6.3 billion tons of that has become waste, 0:13:13.973,0:13:19.902 and of that 6.3 billion tons of waste,[br]only 9% has been recycled. 0:13:21.111,0:13:27.073 By 2050, our population will explode[br]to more than 9.8 billion people, 0:13:27.422,0:13:32.611 and by then, we will be sending[br]12 billion tons of plastic to landfill 0:13:32.611,0:13:34.142 and to the environment. 0:13:34.412,0:13:35.932 It's staggering. 0:13:36.172,0:13:37.742 So, what's the solution? 0:13:38.832,0:13:42.283 Well, we need to stop our addiction[br]to single-use plastic. 0:13:42.283,0:13:45.702 We need to move to a zero-waste society. 0:13:46.943,0:13:52.061 We need to change the very social[br]and financial paradigms 0:13:52.061,0:13:56.146 that consider single-use plastic[br]a useful resource. 0:13:56.615,0:14:00.496 We need a multifaceted approach[br]to this problem, 0:14:00.496,0:14:04.594 with input from governments, retailers,[br]manufacturers, consumers. 0:14:04.856,0:14:07.866 And we need to integrate new ideas, 0:14:07.866,0:14:12.086 like new legislation, circular economies 0:14:12.086,0:14:16.665 and cradle-to-grave responsibility[br]for manufacturers and retailers. 0:14:16.665,0:14:17.887 And as consumers, 0:14:17.887,0:14:22.097 each one of us needs to be smarter[br]about the choices we make. 0:14:22.097,0:14:24.938 We all need to rethink plastic. 0:14:25.207,0:14:27.027 So, how do we do that? 0:14:28.017,0:14:31.127 Well, we stop buying[br]single-use plastics, to start with. 0:14:32.036,0:14:35.537 When I'm at home, and I have a drink,[br]I don't need to use a straw. 0:14:35.548,0:14:38.248 So why do I need a straw[br]when I go to a restaurant? 0:14:38.467,0:14:39.696 I don't. 0:14:40.226,0:14:46.788 Why would I spend up to 2,000% more[br]buying water in a plastic bottle 0:14:46.788,0:14:51.526 when it costs me so much less[br]to refill a steel container from the tap, 0:14:51.526,0:14:53.518 and it's quite often healthier? 0:14:53.518,0:14:54.887 It makes no sense. 0:14:55.917,0:15:00.498 Take a bag with you, a reusable bag,[br]when you go shopping. 0:15:00.498,0:15:06.178 And when you get to the supermarket[br]or the market, call the manager over. 0:15:06.417,0:15:10.980 At the checkout, unwrap all the plastic[br]from all of those fruits and vegetables 0:15:10.980,0:15:13.880 that have been individually wrapped[br]with this plastic stuff, 0:15:13.880,0:15:15.236 and give it to the manager, 0:15:15.236,0:15:17.296 back to the supermarket,[br]back to the market, 0:15:17.296,0:15:19.157 and tell them to dispose of it properly 0:15:19.157,0:15:22.323 because you don't want to have[br]the responsibility of taking it home 0:15:22.323,0:15:24.543 and having to do that anyway. 0:15:26.829,0:15:29.966 But more importantly, we need to go back. 0:15:29.966,0:15:36.148 We need to understand the systems[br]that sustain life on planet Earth, 0:15:36.938,0:15:39.126 like the bird and the worm. 0:15:39.126,0:15:41.266 The bird wasn't committing murder. 0:15:41.266,0:15:45.485 They're part of a greater ecological,[br]environmental system 0:15:45.485,0:15:47.196 which sustains life on Earth. 0:15:47.196,0:15:48.378 I know that now. 0:15:48.378,0:15:50.938 I didn't when I was five years of age. 0:15:50.938,0:15:53.118 Just like eight years ago, 0:15:53.118,0:15:58.029 I had no idea that by throwing[br]my plastic products into the rubbish bin, 0:15:58.029,0:16:00.026 I was damaging the environment, 0:16:00.027,0:16:02.357 and I was polluting the food chain. 0:16:04.197,0:16:07.387 Awareness is a very powerful tool. 0:16:07.756,0:16:09.278 As I say in the film, 0:16:09.278,0:16:14.387 "With knowing comes caring,[br]and with caring comes change." 0:16:14.927,0:16:17.486 And I'd like to leave you[br]with this last thought: 0:16:18.638,0:16:22.198 Change starts with each[br]and every one of you. 0:16:23.536,0:16:29.017 There is a need to change,[br]and when that need arises, it's right now. 0:16:29.742,0:16:32.328 So, we all need to start change 0:16:32.328,0:16:36.598 for our future, for ourselves[br]and for our children. 0:16:36.847,0:16:38.386 Thank you very much. 0:16:38.386,0:16:40.064 (Applause)