0:00:04.140,0:00:08.430 I think it's very important for the life of the students 0:00:09.701,0:00:15.391 to have a professor with an open mind, 0:00:17.873,0:00:21.623 with whom they can learn 0:00:22.896,0:00:29.242 and receive enough material that they can choose their right game, 0:00:29.242,0:00:40.062 having good direction so they can give the most of themselves, 0:00:40.728,0:00:45.638 developing the best style for their body types, 0:00:45.638,0:00:47.858 for the way they train 0:00:50.245,0:00:52.975 and face all these teachings. 0:00:52.975,0:00:58.045 [br]It is very important to have professors who can show them that journey.[br] 0:00:58.538,0:01:01.118 I was lucky in life. 0:01:02.481,0:01:09.465 I had a father who was a very positive man 0:01:09.465,0:01:14.515 and gave me a very important philosophy about life, 0:01:14.515,0:01:17.085 who was Carlos Gracie. 0:01:17.944,0:01:27.604 The man who knew how to lead with a mentality 0:01:29.686,0:01:32.156 which benefited many people in the world. 0:01:32.820,0:01:34.870 I had another great influencer - 0:01:34.870,0:01:36.460 my uncle Helio, 0:01:37.377,0:01:39.421 who worked with my father 0:01:39.421,0:01:46.577 and was the professor who used to coordinate the school's teachings 0:01:47.147,0:01:49.177 for all of those who were training, 0:01:50.302,0:01:55.272 and he could directly influence teachings and guidance 0:01:55.272,0:01:57.362 that those people would receive. 0:01:58.115,0:02:06.035 And my brother Rolls, who was closer to my age,[br] 0:02:06.612,0:02:13.169 with whom I had a very strong connection and we were very close. 0:02:13.169,0:02:22.589 He had a skill, a direct influence on those who he taught, 0:02:22.589,0:02:27.139 and I was influenced greatly by him. 0:02:28.781,0:02:35.291 And from all of that, analyzing this trilogy, 0:02:35.291,0:02:39.301 my father opened my mind to look at the world in some way, 0:02:39.301,0:02:44.091 and with a very open perspective; 0:02:46.195,0:02:53.575 My uncle was focused on that mindset that you had to be a samurai, 0:02:53.575,0:03:01.485 training and dedicating yourself, disciplined within the principles of the martial arts; 0:03:04.015,0:03:11.915 My brother Rolls had the mentality of developing a combative game - 0:03:12.537,0:03:18.057 in which if you could attack the most, 0:03:18.057,0:03:22.267 the opponent would have no option to defend himself, let alone to attack you - 0:03:22.680,0:03:24.780 and using several techniques. 0:03:25.013,0:03:30.083 Rolls was a person who, being influenced by my father 0:03:31.321,0:03:32.841 to have this open mind, 0:03:32.841,0:03:37.141 started to go out into the world and engage with other martial arts 0:03:37.850,0:03:41.060 And he believed that an individual should learn everything. 0:03:41.370,0:03:50.350 So, the Jiu-jitsu I practice today has a lot his influences and teachings. 0:03:51.336,0:03:59.575 Although all three have a similar mindset of having complete Jiu-Jitsu. 0:03:59.575,0:04:01.595 But Rolls always looked for... 0:04:02.268,0:04:09.928 my uncle Helio was a little closed when it comes to the knowledge that he would teach, 0:04:10.720,0:04:18.089 as if you could only train that, if you could be really focused on that, 0:04:18.089,0:04:22.349 that should be enough to prepare yourself for any fight. 0:04:23.049,0:04:27.859 Rolls had a more open view, that if you could 0:04:27.859,0:04:36.569 look for other things that could enrich your Jiu-Jitsu, 0:04:37.354,0:04:40.554 that would make your Jiu-Jitsu better. 0:04:41.569,0:04:44.599 So, I had all these influences and, in fact, 0:04:45.059,0:04:47.539 they were all very important to my life, 0:04:47.539,0:04:53.499 because my father philosophically opened my mind, 0:04:54.104,0:04:56.464 about having no limits to where you can get to. 0:04:56.903,0:05:03.513 My uncle taught that you need to train hard, determined, and focused on that, 0:05:03.513,0:05:08.463 on your ability, and the more you dedicate yourself, the more focus you have, 0:05:08.938,0:05:11.258 you end up being unbeatable. 0:05:11.595,0:05:19.695 And Rolls brought that learning experience on which if you can enrich your game with external 0:05:20.120,0:05:22.900 things that could work well with it, you will always improve yourself.[br][br] 0:05:22.900,0:05:27.610 Then, I started to use those three ideas and I built my own mind 0:05:28.105,0:05:31.715 based on what I understood from what they meant. 0:05:32.108,0:05:34.378 With my way of understanding, 0:05:35.065,0:05:44.547 I followed this path and created a teaching method in my school 0:05:44.547,0:05:50.465 with all these rich elements that I received from those three professors, 0:05:50.465,0:05:54.095 which were the three professors who have influenced my life in Jiu-Jitsu. 0:05:54.356,0:05:58.666 My Jiu-Jitsu style was the unification of those three concepts, 0:06:00.241,0:06:03.761 which brought to me the following way of thinking: 0:06:04.631,0:06:08.576 - Jiu-Jitsu is a mechanism for helping others. 0:06:08.576,0:06:10.576 This came a lot from my father, 0:06:10.899,0:06:14.749 about something that works for humanity. 0:06:15.120,0:06:16.960 The idea that we are working for the humanity. 0:06:18.102,0:06:21.833 To train to be a focused individual, a determined one, 0:06:21.833,0:06:26.693 sacrificing to their maximum to achieve their goals - 0:06:29.061,0:06:32.681 that was the contribution from my uncle. 0:06:33.452,0:06:38.212 Because he said he used to practice all day, 0:06:38.212,0:06:39.162 he used to teach all day, 0:06:39.162,0:06:40.022 he would think only about it, 0:06:40.288,0:06:42.305 and even as skinny as he was, 0:06:42.305,0:06:44.925 he could achieve some unimaginable goals. 0:06:45.537,0:06:50.817 All thanks to this training-oriented mindset, of this “radicalism” for training, 0:06:51.136,0:06:53.386 And to the focus on what he wanted. 0:06:54.784,0:06:59.624 So, I put it into my day-to-day teachings as well. 0:07:01.180,0:07:04.490 And from my brother Rolls, the idea of having an open mind, 0:07:04.490,0:07:06.840 of learning everything I could. 0:07:07.369,0:07:09.991 Both with people from outside and with my own students. 0:07:09.991,0:07:14.762 And to enrich my “teaching menu”, 0:07:14.762,0:07:18.322 regarding what I could offer to my students. 0:07:19.124,0:07:21.914 So, I implemented a broad Jiu-Jitsu, 0:07:21.914,0:07:29.604 with no borders, where I would include whatever could be adapted and would be good for it. 0:07:30.019,0:07:35.032 And based on that, the curriculum at my school, and for Gracie Barra, 0:07:35.032,0:07:40.432 never mentions that you cannot teach new things. 0:07:40.871,0:07:44.033 For example, if you are having a guard passing class. 0:07:44.353,0:07:49.722 The technique, the way you will pass the guard can be your creation. 0:07:49.722,0:07:52.602 You can create it, you can search for something, you can imitate something. 0:07:52.602,0:07:53.919 You can do whatever you want. 0:07:53.919,0:07:56.279 But you need to teach a class about guard passing. 0:07:56.279,0:08:01.861 This will not constrain your creativity to improve your guard passing techniques. 0:08:01.861,0:08:05.181 You do not need to show ‘this’ or ‘that’ guard pass move. 0:08:05.514,0:08:07.477 Or if you will teach a leg throw; 0:08:07.477,0:08:11.997 You can create a leg throw movement. 0:08:12.744,0:08:16.872 You can teach any movement you like, 0:08:16.872,0:08:19.712 or one that you believe is the best for your students. 0:08:20.114,0:08:21.326 Or a hip throw. 0:08:21.326,0:08:22.926 You can choose the technique, but on that day 0:08:22.926,0:08:25.394 you must teach a hip throw, whatever it will be. 0:08:25.394,0:08:32.354 So, the basic system of our teachings 0:08:33.337,0:08:40.047 does not constrain in any way the technique evolution, 0:08:40.047,0:08:42.043 nor the style the professor wants to teach. 0:08:42.043,0:08:47.463 It just needs to be in accordance with the Gracie Barra system. 0:08:48.330,0:08:52.130 So, I think it made Gracie Barra 0:08:52.130,0:08:56.420 a teaching method that does not constrain anyone, 0:08:56.894,0:08:58.424 which gives the mechanisms, 0:08:58.424,0:09:04.384 and tools so that we can all use our creativity 0:09:04.384,0:09:07.827 in the daily classes to teach what we want to.