So Beyonce, how did you get evolved with the World Humanitarian Day? Well, I was definitely attracted to raising awareness of this day of recognition. I know... found out that 22 people lost their lives helping people. And... In Baghdad. In Baghdad, yes. And you know, I thought it was an incredible thing to turn that into something positive and trying to include the world to do something great for someone else. I feel like we all want to know our life meant something And that we did something for someone else And that we spread positivity no matter how big or how small. Now you're trying to reach a billion people on World Humanitarian Day What are you hoping to accomplish? What is the idea behind it? This is really about, saying to everyone out there This is a day that's both a commemoration Because there's a lot of people who lose their lives trying to help people But it is also a celebration of the things that people do There's an amazing amount that people do every single day, that goes unrecognized. So this is about the big things and it is also about the small things. If we are to do something small and if all of us on one day, do something affective it will be so impactful. We can make a difference through a small act Some people will give some money Some people have a skill that they can donate Some time that they can donate All of that matters. What do you see when you are on that stadium in front of the General Assembly? Well, we wanted to make sure that we invited humanitarians and people that have been affected by humanitarians and I know that some of the people speaking are family members of the 22 people that lost their lives So while I'm performing you can't help but think about how they must feel and the pride that they must have knowing that they didn't lose their lives in vain. So on August 19th, you're both hoping that people around the world will do whatever they can and will volunteer in their communities will donate money, will donate time, wherever it is. We want to see millions of little pins across the world. As people pledge. Everyone can go to And we want to encourage everyone to pledge their act of kindness.