İsa Mesih adına! Sen kimsin? Konuşmak! Sen kimsin? No! You know where I'm coming from! I'm from the Illuminati! I've just found out about the Illuminati. You know this woman, she left me, and I'm so angry! After my ex-husband, I moved on. I was married once again. Who are you? I'm "Jack", the ex-husband! I know the name "Jack"; he's my ex-husband and my son's father. She left me and I was so in pain! My whole family is Illuminati, so we wanted to sacrifice her and her son. After I manifested, I realised that he is in the Illuminati and that he is the one doing all these things. I did not know... And he also said, when I manifested, that he is sure that I did not know anything about the Illuminati. I torment her because we wanted to kill her; we wanted to kill her son but she is strong, she's praying, and we don't like that! He's the one tormenting me and wanted to take my life and the life of my son. He wanted to sacrifice both of us! That is what he needed! Why do you want to sacrifice her son? Because he is my firstborn, and we only sacrifice male children. The mother refused, and that's why I'm tormenting her! They wanted to sacrifice both of us, and for sure, he is the firstborn. Since Wednesday, we have followed her from Germany to Thessalonica. We followed her; we know where she is! But where she was, it was so guarded with angels. We are not allowed to discuss it! Where she is, it is so guarded! We could not enter, but we followed her from Germany to Thessalonica. We came in the form of a bird, and this bird is following her everywhere! Even today, we followed her. We experienced this strange bird. That has been following both my son and me. I can confirm the exact number; four birds were bothering us. Sometimes it's one, sometimes there are two, sometimes three or four. I can confirm this because I've been driving my mother to the station. We were afraid because we did not know what the bird was carrying. Sometimes, the bird has something in its mouth, transporting it, so you have to be very careful when you go outside. Even when I'm driving, sometimes I've appointments, which were 200 or 300 kilometres away. At any time, the birds were there; you could hear them, and they want to hear you. Everywhere, when I was going to work, while I was at work, when I was coming back, I ask myself, "What is happening?" "How does this bird know that I am at a certain location?" - How do you torment her?- I follow her! Until where she is working, she is a nurse at the hospital. I follow her every day! We have three eyes in my kingdom! The one I'm using to follow her is like CCTV, I follow her everywhere! She works at a big hospital, but I know where she is all the time! How did this bird know I'm leaving my work? I work at a big hospital. I'm a nurse by profession. I'm working at a very big hospital in Germany. It's not possible for a normal human being to walk inside and locate me. What else have you done to her life? I have tied her womb! She cannot give birth! Because I'm angry! Why did she leave me? I remarried once again with my (current) husband. We tried to have a family two times. Both attempts failed. We went to a fertility clinic. From there, we followed a procedure, what we are supposed to do. Everything seemed to go perfect, but on the first attempt, nothing happened. After one year, we tried again. By then, I didn't know what was happening because they checked on me and was everything was fine. I didn't have any problem, everything seemed fine. Everything seemed fine with my husband too, but nothing worked out. My name is Pauline Marlok and I came from Germany. My name is Alvin Omondi and I come from Germany too. Is this the son? - Let me see!- See! This one! This is my son! But the mother refused! I cannot kill him! You devil, the greatest mistake you've done is allowing her to come here today! Do you what this place is? This woman belongs to Jesus Christ! Out of her! Out in the name of Jesus Christ! I thank God for the prophecy and the deliverance! Thank you, Jesus! I promise not to depart from the Word of God! I promise to stay with the Word of God! I pray that God should give me faith to continue my journey, to continue praying on. You are free! [Applause] How are you, sister? I'm sorry! Do you know what happened just now? I came to the church. We will pray for God to save your child from all those who are chasing him. And from now on, you need to be very careful. By God's grace, you should talk to your family and tell them that there is a God who saves, delivers and heals! And tell that He is alive! As He delivered you, He can deliver them too. Thank you, Jesus! I'm free! I feel very eased. I feel good in my heart now. Everything is going to be fine! Now we'll just continue reading the Bible and with daily prayer. Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Lord, I'm free! [♪ Music ♪]