0:00:01.458,0:00:03.458 İsa Mesih adına! 0:00:04.386,0:00:05.573 Sen kimsin? 0:00:06.676,0:00:08.011 Konuşmak! Sen kimsin? 0:00:09.408,0:00:10.965 HAYIR! 0:00:12.190,0:00:13.680 Nereden geldiğimi biliyorsun! 0:00:14.822,0:00:16.592 Ben Illuminati'denim! 0:00:16.592,0:00:20.212 İlluminati'yi yeni öğrendim. 0:00:20.392,0:00:25.521 Bu kadını tanıyorsun, beni terk etti ve çok kızgınım! 0:00:25.759,0:00:31.538 Eski kocamdan sonra yoluma devam ettim. Bir kez daha evlendim. 0:00:31.904,0:00:32.673 Sen kimsin? 0:00:33.178,0:00:36.080 Ben eski koca "Jack"im! 0:00:36.183,0:00:42.167 "Jack" adını biliyorum; o benim eski kocam ve oğlumun babası. 0:00:43.530,0:00:47.375 Beni terk etti ve ben çok acı çekiyordum! 0:00:49.075,0:00:56.338 Bütün ailem İlluminati'ydi, bu yüzden onu ve oğlunu kurban etmek istedik. 0:01:00.586,0:01:07.776 Tezahür ettikten sonra onun İlluminati'de olduğunu anladım. 0:01:07.776,0:01:10.485 ve tüm bunları yapanın kendisi olduğunu. 0:01:10.485,0:01:12.255 Bilmiyordum... 0:01:12.255,0:01:16.818 Ve ayrıca ben tezahür ettirdiğimde bundan emin olduğunu söyledi. 0:01:16.818,0:01:20.088 İlluminati hakkında hiçbir şey bilmediğimi. 0:01:20.295,0:01:26.986 Onu öldürmek istediğimiz için ona eziyet ediyorum; oğlunu öldürmek istedik 0:01:27.386,0:01:34.946 ama o güçlü, dua ediyor ve biz bundan hoşlanmıyoruz! 0:01:36.247,0:01:43.247 Bana eziyet eden, benim ve oğlumun canını almak isteyen oydu. 0:01:43.247,0:01:46.197 İkimizi de kurban etmek istedi! 0:01:46.197,0:01:48.560 İhtiyacı olan şey buydu! 0:01:48.993,0:01:50.993 Neden oğlunu kurban etmek istiyorsun? 0:01:53.852,0:02:01.537 Çünkü o benim ilk çocuğum ve biz sadece erkek çocukları kurban ederiz. 0:02:02.251,0:02:06.577 Annesi reddetti ve bu yüzden ona eziyet ediyorum! 0:02:09.991,0:02:14.502 İkimizi de kurban etmek istediler ve elbette o ilk doğandır. 0:02:14.918,0:02:18.862 Çarşamba gününden beri onu Almanya'dan Selanik'e kadar takip ediyoruz. 0:02:20.145,0:02:22.768 Onu takip ettik; Onun nerede olduğunu biliyoruz! 0:02:22.818,0:02:26.540 Ama olduğu yer melekler tarafından o kadar korunuyordu ki. 0:02:26.540,0:02:28.945 We are not allowed to discuss it! 0:02:29.544,0:02:31.807 Where she is, it is so guarded! 0:02:31.960,0:02:36.300 We could not enter, but we followed her from Germany to Thessalonica. 0:02:36.920,0:02:40.913 We came in the form of a bird, and this bird is following her everywhere! 0:02:40.913,0:02:42.864 Even today, we followed her. 0:02:43.791,0:02:46.378 We experienced this strange bird. 0:02:46.378,0:02:50.318 That has been following both my son and me. 0:02:51.181,0:02:57.000 I can confirm the exact number; four birds were bothering us. 0:02:57.391,0:03:01.610 Sometimes it's one, sometimes there are two, sometimes three or four. 0:03:02.581,0:03:06.751 I can confirm this because I've been driving my mother to the station. 0:03:06.771,0:03:12.171 We were afraid because we did not know what the bird was carrying. 0:03:12.171,0:03:18.791 Sometimes, the bird has something in its mouth, transporting it, so you have to be very careful 0:03:18.871,0:03:20.471 when you go outside. 0:03:20.549,0:03:26.219 Even when I'm driving, sometimes I've appointments, which were 200 or 300 kilometres away. 0:03:26.249,0:03:33.186 At any time, the birds were there; you could hear them, and they want to hear you. 0:03:33.186,0:03:38.416 Everywhere, when I was going to work, while I was at work, when I was coming back, 0:03:38.700,0:03:42.782 I ask myself, "What is happening?" 0:03:43.812,0:03:47.952 "How does this bird know that I am at a certain location?" 0:03:48.000,0:03:52.208 - How do you torment her?- I follow her! 0:03:52.396,0:03:58.476 Until where she is working, she is a nurse at the hospital. I follow her every day! 0:04:00.470,0:04:05.109 We have three eyes in my kingdom! 0:04:06.835,0:04:12.269 The one I'm using to follow her is like CCTV, I follow her everywhere! 0:04:14.488,0:04:19.714 She works at a big hospital, but I know where she is all the time! 0:04:24.040,0:04:27.286 How did this bird know I'm leaving my work? 0:04:27.599,0:04:32.104 I work at a big hospital. I'm a nurse by profession. 0:04:32.880,0:04:36.970 I'm working at a very big hospital in Germany. 0:04:37.326,0:04:42.943 It's not possible for a normal human being to walk inside and locate me. 0:04:43.106,0:04:45.106 What else have you done to her life? 0:04:45.950,0:04:47.950 I have tied her womb! 0:04:48.289,0:04:50.289 She cannot give birth! 0:04:52.411,0:04:54.643 Because I'm angry! Why did she leave me? 0:04:58.289,0:05:02.159 I remarried once again with my (current) husband. 0:05:02.591,0:05:06.693 We tried to have a family two times. 0:05:07.119,0:05:09.119 Both attempts failed. 0:05:10.206,0:05:12.658 We went to a fertility clinic. 0:05:13.341,0:05:17.492 From there, we followed a procedure, what we are supposed to do. 0:05:17.694,0:05:23.128 Everything seemed to go perfect, but on the first attempt, nothing happened. 0:05:23.399,0:05:26.755 After one year, we tried again. 0:05:26.756,0:05:31.127 By then, I didn't know what was happening because they checked on me 0:05:31.425,0:05:33.425 and was everything was fine. 0:05:33.425,0:05:37.331 I didn't have any problem, everything seemed fine. 0:05:38.075,0:05:41.847 Everything seemed fine with my husband too, but nothing worked out. 0:05:42.163,0:05:45.886 My name is Pauline Marlok and I came from Germany. 0:05:49.554,0:05:53.277 My name is Alvin Omondi and I come from Germany too. 0:05:54.398,0:05:55.494 Is this the son? 0:05:58.314,0:06:01.450 - Let me see!- See! 0:06:02.668,0:06:04.668 This one! 0:06:05.449,0:06:07.449 This is my son! 0:06:07.988,0:06:12.469 But the mother refused! I cannot kill him! 0:06:12.571,0:06:18.000 You devil, the greatest mistake you've done is allowing her to come here today! 0:06:18.801,0:06:19.836 Do you what this place is? 0:06:24.234,0:06:26.234 This woman belongs to Jesus Christ! 0:06:26.343,0:06:29.443 Out of her! Out in the name of Jesus Christ! 0:06:31.454,0:06:34.248 I thank God for the prophecy and the deliverance! 0:06:34.712,0:06:36.712 Thank you, Jesus! 0:06:36.808,0:06:39.680 I promise not to depart from the Word of God! 0:06:40.245,0:06:44.921 I promise to stay with the Word of God! 0:06:45.707,0:06:52.143 I pray that God should give me faith to continue my journey, to continue praying on. 0:06:53.085,0:06:54.095 You are free! 0:06:54.531,0:06:56.531 [Applause] 0:07:03.668,0:07:04.886 How are you, sister? 0:07:07.146,0:07:08.242 I'm sorry! 0:07:10.344,0:07:12.344 Do you know what happened just now? 0:07:15.153,0:07:16.163 I came to the church. 0:07:18.863,0:07:21.450 We will pray for God to save your child 0:07:22.401,0:07:24.401 from all those who are chasing him. 0:07:26.124,0:07:28.124 And from now on, you need to be very careful. 0:07:31.337,0:07:37.223 By God's grace, you should talk to your family and tell them that there is a God 0:07:37.441,0:07:39.441 who saves, delivers and heals! 0:07:43.539,0:07:44.879 And tell that He is alive! 0:07:45.273,0:07:47.701 As He delivered you, He can deliver them too. 0:07:50.314,0:07:52.314 Thank you, Jesus! I'm free! 0:07:52.701,0:07:54.701 I feel very eased. 0:07:55.100,0:07:57.100 I feel good in my heart now. 0:07:57.930,0:08:01.238 Everything is going to be fine! 0:08:01.616,0:08:06.960 Now we'll just continue reading the Bible and with daily prayer. 0:08:06.960,0:08:11.771 Thank you, Jesus! Thank you, Lord, I'm free! 0:08:12.487,0:08:26.748 [♪ Music ♪]