[Müzik] olan İsa Mesih adına sen konuş sen kimsin hayır nereye geleceğimi biliyorsun ben Illumina the Illuminati'denim I bunu yeni öğrendim bunu biliyorsun kadın beni terk etti ve ben çok açım eski kocamdan sonra taşındım bir kez daha evlendim İsa benim Jack I eski kocam, adı Jack I Bil ki Jack benim eski kocam babamın babası oğlum o beni terk etti ben ben öyle bir durumdaydım ki tüm ailemin acı içinde olduğu İlluminati bu yüzden fedakarlık yapmak istedik o tezahür ettikten sonra kendime geldiğim zamandır onun olduğunu biliyorum Illuminati ve her şeyi yapan o bilmediğim bu şeyler ve o da bunu tezahür ettirdiğim zamana kadar söyle hiçbir şey bilmediğimden emin hakkında Illuminati her because he wanted to kill her kill the son she is strong she's she's praying and we don't like that he's the one tormenting me and she want to take my life and she want to take the life of my son she want to sacrifice both of us that is what he needed why why do you want to sacrifice her son because yet he is my firstborn and there we only sacrifice male childrens mother refus that's why I'm tormenting her they wanted to sacrifice both of us and for sure is the first born since when day we follow her from Germany toal where she is so is so guarded with the we are not allowed to talk that where she is is so guarded we can't enter but we follow her from Germany to theal came in form of a bird and this bird is following her everywhere even today we follow her we experienc this strange bird that is following me both of us not only me me and my son yes I can confirm there are exactly four Birds which uh have been tormenting Us in number sometimes it's one bud sometimes there are two sometimes the're three or four um I can confirm this because uh I've been driving my mother to the station because uh she of course we are all afraid we don't know what the B is carrying sometimes the B also has something on his mouth transporting it so you have to be very keen and careful while you're going outside even when I'm driving sometimes I have appointments which are 200 km away or 300 km at any time um the BS are there you can hear them yeah they want them to to hear you everywhere when I'm going to work when I'm at work when I'm coming from work so I ask myself what is happening how does this birad know that now I'm in such and such location how do you torture her I follow her till where she's working she's a nurse she work in the hospital I follow her every day we have three eyes in My Kingdom the one I'm using to follow her is like CCTV I follow her everywhere she's working in a big hospital but I know exactly where she is all the time how does this bir know that now I'm leaving my work I'm working in a big hospital I'm a nurse by profession and where I am working I'm working in a very big hospital in Germany it's not possible for just normal human being to walk inside and locate me where I am what else have you done to her life I tie her home she cannot give birth because I'm hungry why did she left me I was married once again again with with my husband and we tried two times to have a family both two attempts failed we went for the fertility clinic from there we follow the procedure what we are supposed to do everything worked seemed perfect but on the first attempt nothing worked out after one year we tried again nothing worked out by then I did not know what is happening because if they checked on me everything is okay I don't have any problem everything seems okay my husband everything was also okay but nothing worked out my name is Pauline Malo I came from Germany hello my name is Elvin Ami I come from Germany too with my mother is this the son let me see I want to see this one this is my son but the mother refus I cannot kill him [Music] mother the biggest mistake that you allowed her to come here today do you know what this place is your time has expired this woman belongs to Jesus Christ out of her out of the name of Jesus Christ I thank God for the prophecy I thank God for deliverance thank you Jesus thank you Lord I promise not to depart from the word of God and I promise to stay with the word of God and I promise that God should give me Faith to continue with my journey continue praying all the time you are [Applause] free sister how do you feel sorry I'm sorry do you know what just happened here no I came to church we will pray for God to save your son from all these that are chasing him from now on you need to be very careful and by the grace of God speak to them that there is a God who heals and delivers and is's alive and as he sets you free he can set them free as well thank you Jesus I'm free very eased uh I feel good in my heart now um everything is going to be okay we are under Good Feet so um now it's just continuing reading the Bible daily prayer thank God for that thank you Jesus thank you Lord I'm free thank you Jesus thank you [Music] Lord