WEBVTT 00:00:00.400 --> 00:00:03.983 One person he does not have is his daughter, Ivanka Trump, 00:00:03.983 --> 00:00:07.240 because just moments after the former president said that 00:00:07.240 --> 00:00:10.076 he would have run again for 20, 24 00:00:10.377 --> 00:00:13.858 his daughter Ivanka released a statement essentially saying, 00:00:13.858 --> 00:00:14.948 look, I'm opting out 00:00:14.948 --> 00:00:20.487 She says this time around I'm choosing to prioritize my young children and the private life 00:00:20.487 --> 00:00:22.155 we are creating as a family. 00:00:22.155 --> 00:00:24.758 I do not plan to be involved in politics 00:00:24.758 --> 00:00:27.627 while I will always love and support my father. 00:00:27.627 --> 00:00:31.898 Going forward, I will do so outside the political arena. 00:00:32.232 --> 00:00:32.665 They are 00:00:32.665 --> 00:00:33.600 I mean, 00:00:33.600 --> 00:00:38.371 I remember when there was all the conversations of the so-called adults in the room 00:00:38.371 --> 00:00:41.441 and the person everyone kept on the speed dial. 00:00:41.441 --> 00:00:45.478 Aside from Mark Meadows during January 6th, it seemed to be contact Ivanka. 00:00:46.046 --> 00:00:49.682 You somehow could reel him in some way that's not there. 00:00:49.682 --> 00:00:51.551 Whether that was true or not fully, we don't know. 00:00:51.551 --> 00:00:53.053 But that's not going to be there. 00:00:53.053 --> 00:00:54.521 Well, neither will Jared. 00:00:54.521 --> 00:00:56.189 Apparently, between the two of them, 00:00:56.189 --> 00:00:59.159 they were probably three fourths of the Trump administration 00:00:59.159 --> 00:01:01.027 and running the decisions there. 00:01:01.027 --> 00:01:04.164 But that's part of what we're seeing is that even for his own family members, 00:01:04.164 --> 00:01:10.203 the shine is wearing off despite all of the goals that we saw in that 00:01:10.203 --> 00:01:12.739 assembly that announcement that he had. 00:01:12.739 --> 00:01:16.476 It's just the appeal is not the same. 00:01:16.476 --> 00:01:20.113 So what can Trump do up to be a little bit different 00:01:20.113 --> 00:01:22.882 and to set himself apart from other Republicans? 00:01:22.882 --> 00:01:26.152 Now, to the point about his hold on the Republican Party, 00:01:26.152 --> 00:01:27.387 it is absolutely there. 00:01:27.387 --> 00:01:31.891 But we also saw the Trump era drives people out of the Republican Party. 00:01:31.891 --> 00:01:34.294 If they didn't sign up as Democrats, I signed up as independents. 00:01:34.294 --> 00:01:38.832 So outside of a really raucous Republican primary, 00:01:38.832 --> 00:01:43.206 if Trump's winning the nomination could be a gift to Democrats. 00:01:43.206 --> 00:01:44.016 Exactly 00:01:44.016 --> 00:01:47.140 And you're right, as he's driven people out of the party, 00:01:47.140 --> 00:01:50.210 that's actually strengthened his hold on the party 00:01:50.210 --> 00:01:53.413 made it much less likely that he could ever be elected again. 00:01:53.413 --> 00:01:55.115 I mean, you don't have a Congresswoman, Liz Cheney, 00:01:55.115 --> 00:01:59.219 your vision of political leadership right now or Congress after this session is over. 00:01:59.452 --> 00:02:02.822 And we're going to have the good night in committee on January 6th as well. 00:02:03.056 --> 00:02:07.894 But I still wonder about not only who could take on from the Republican side, Donald Trump. 00:02:07.894 --> 00:02:11.463 I know Governor Santos, he is the shiny object right now, 00:02:11.463 --> 00:02:17.110 does not have arguably the most formidable opponent in his gubernatorial race, 00:02:17.110 --> 00:02:20.099 as one would expect at a presidential level. 00:02:20.099 --> 00:02:24.010 But you still have to have the support in many respects of the Republican leadership, 00:02:24.010 --> 00:02:26.279 the Mitch McConnell, who I don't think is there, 00:02:26.279 --> 00:02:28.763 the Kevin McCarthy who is undecided as of yet, 00:02:28.763 --> 00:02:33.453 whether he will go in as Congresswoman Stefanik 00:02:33.453 --> 00:02:35.688 and say, yes, I'm all in already. 00:02:35.688 --> 00:02:38.172 When you look at the leadership right now, 00:02:38.172 --> 00:02:41.161 and power in the Senate and soon to be the House, 00:02:41.161 --> 00:02:43.463 Does he have the support? 00:02:43.463 --> 00:02:45.098 Does who have the support? - Donald Trump 00:02:45.098 --> 00:02:46.366 That's what I'm talking about. 00:02:46.366 --> 00:02:48.434 Yeah, I think he does because for two reasons. 00:02:48.434 --> 00:02:52.338 One, the reason that everybody already knows is there are many members of Congress 00:02:52.338 --> 00:02:59.245 who are afraid to cross him because they're afraid of being called Lil senator X or, you know, 00:02:59.913 --> 00:03:02.815 Ron, the sanctimonious or whatever the nickname is 00:03:02.815 --> 00:03:04.350 I think you also have a situation 00:03:04.350 --> 00:03:09.422 where Republican members of Congress don't want to be primaried from their right. 00:03:09.422 --> 00:03:12.992 They fear that much more than a general election, at least up until this point. 00:03:12.992 --> 00:03:17.497 And so you have a situation where you want to stay on the President Trump's good side 00:03:17.497 --> 00:03:19.878 so that you don't incur that challenge 00:03:19.878 --> 00:03:23.336 - lightly around - the situation you have as a Republican right now, 00:03:23.336 --> 00:03:25.905 a Republican leader is they embrace Trump. 00:03:25.905 --> 00:03:26.901 And this is now 00:03:26.901 --> 00:03:31.311 the direct consequence of several years down the line of him having taken over the party 00:03:31.311 --> 00:03:35.315 I want a lightning round here for what do you think the Senate is going to run, throw his hat into the ring? 00:03:35.315 --> 00:03:37.444 I don't think Trump will be a post 00:03:37.444 --> 00:03:39.625 Really? What do you think? Oppose or not? 00:03:40.453 --> 00:03:42.055 I can see DeSantis running. 00:03:42.055 --> 00:03:42.855 What do you think? 00:03:42.855 --> 00:03:44.524 If he's going to run, he has to go now, 00:03:44.524 --> 00:03:46.676 even though he's only in his mid forties, Laura, 00:03:46.776 --> 00:03:48.795 if you wait too long, it's the Chris 00:03:48.795 --> 00:03:50.496 Christie rule. You miss your window.