Today was the International Day of Yoga With the theme of “Yoga for Women Empowerment”. While we had a grand celebration of This event, which you can check out Right here, we want to spread this Goodness to all of you. So today, We'll explore the powerful connection Between yoga and women's empowerment With 5 yoga asanas for a strong mind And a healthy body for all women! As always, you should practice these Exercises 3 times to start off with unless Specified otherwise. So let’s start! Okay so now first exercise is Vrikshasana. In Vrikshasana we have to concentrate On one point and fold the left leg First near the, under the thigh like this And now stretch your hands with breathe In. Hands together. Stay there. Stay there at least for 6 seconds. And now slowly relax yourself with Breathe out. Now, same with right. Breathe in. Stretch your hands. Feel the stretch. Bicep touching the ear. Stay there and then slowly relax yourself With breathe out. And relax. Now next, next is Virbhadrasana. In Virbhadrasana, first keep two feet Distance of the feet or one and half feet Distance of the feet, okay? Now stretch Your left leg on left-hand side like this. And now stretch your hands with Breathe in. Stay there. Hands together And stay. And then slowly relax yourself With breathe out. Now same with right. Right leg at ninety degrees. Stretch your Left leg and stretch your hands with Breathe in. Stay there. And look up Just stretch yourself as much as you can. And relax yourself with breathe out. Okay, friends if you have knee issues And you can keep your legs like this also. Don't give too much pressure and stretch Your hands. And see your opposite hands, Means this if you fold left knee then You just concentrate on your left-hand Side of the fingers and relax. Then same with right. Here is breathe in. Stay there and then slowly relax Yourself with breathe out. And relax. Okay so now next is Trikonasana. In Trikonasana keep one and half feet Distance of the feet like this and Stretch your hands with breathe in. Keep your hands in Gyan mudra. Gyan mudra is first finger and thumb Touching with each other, okay? Now, stretch your hands with breathe in. Twist on left and slowly go down with Breathe out. Just go down as much as You can. At least you have to touch your Knee or you have to touch the toe, okay? Breathe in and out like this. Stretch your Opposite hand and see your opposite Hand. Come up with breathe in and on Right-hand side with breathe out. Stay there. Come up with breathe in. One more time. Here is breathe in And out. Just go down. Stomach in. Come up with breathe in. And slowly Go down with breathe out. Come with Breathe in and relax yourself with Breathe out. And relax. Okay so now next, next is Diaphragmatic Breathing. In Diaphragmatic breathing, We have to keep our hands in Gyan mudra Like this. So first finger touching the Thumb. Index finger touching the thumb And uh rest of the finger straight. And keep your hands on your shoulder Level and breathe in. And relax yourself With breathe out. Okay, friends but Before that we have to sit in Sukhasana. You can sit on the floor or you can Sit on the block or you can sit on the Pillows, okay? So, keep your hands in Gyan mudra. Close the eyes. Slowly, Breathe in and slowly breathe out. Slowly breathe in. Stretch your shoulders Back. Slowly breathe out. Feel relaxed. Slowly breathe in. Relax yourself, Relax your thoughts. Slowly breathe out. Feel relaxed. Now, relax your hands On the thighs in Gyan mudra again. Slowly, breathe in and slowly Breathe out. Slowly open your eyes. Relax your hands. And relax. Okay so now next next is Anulom Vilom. In Anulom Vilom we have to keep our Left hand in Gyan mudra on the left Thigh and right hand in Krishna mudra. Krishna mudra is first fold two fingers And last two fingers straight and thumb, Also. So now thumb on your right Nostril and we have to start the breathe In from left nostril. Breathe in. Close the eyes. Relax yourself. Breathe in three counts. One, two, three. Close your left nostril help of the ring Ring finger. Breathe out, right. One, two, three. Now, breathe in, right. One, two, three. Breathe out, left. One, two, three and relax. Relax your Right hand in Gyan mudra. Breathe in And breathe out. And relax. Relax your hands. And relax.