O Allah, I seek refuge in You from the accursed Satan In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. The Beneficent, the Merciful. Master of the Day of Judgment. You we worship; You we ask for help. Show us the straight path, The path of those whom Thou hast favoured; Not the (path) of those who earn Thine anger nor of those who go astray. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Say: He is Allah, the One! Allah, the eternally Besought of all! He begetteth not nor was begotten. And there is none comparable unto Him. Allah and His angels send blessings on the Prophet: O ye that believe! Send ye blessings on him, and salute him with all respect. (033:56) O Allah, bestow Your favour on Muhammad (pbuh) and on the family of Muhammad (pbuh), as You have bestowed Your favour on Ibrahim (pbuh) and on the family of Ibrahim (pbuh). You are Praiseworthy, Most Glorious. O Allah, bless Muhammad (pbuh) and the family of Muhammad (pbuh), as You have blessed Ibrahim (pbuh) and the family of Ibrahim (pbuh). You are Praiseworthy, Most Glorious. Very respected friends, dear children, my brothers and sisters, Shinning stars of Azeemi Skies, apple of my eye, Azeemi brothers, sisters and friends – As-salamu alaykum (peace be upon you) Praise to Allah, due to your prayers, I, a humble person, am fine. Children, I pray for all of you. Whenever I remember you, my children, day or night, I request Allah, in the name of Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him), to bestow His Shifaat (mediation on the Day of Judgment) for myself, all Azeemi children, brothers, sisters, and all Muslims. Wherever you are, wherever you are listening to me, you may call it a speech, I, a humble person, Khawaja Shamsuddin Azeemi, offer greetings of peace with a lot of prayers! I pray that Allah blesses me, a humble individual, to speak in reference to the teachings of Hazoor Qalandar Baba Auliya RA that travels through the air and touches your eardrum. For everyone, for myself, for the children, for Dr. Waqar Yusuf Azeemi, and for all the Muraqaba Hall In-charges of Sufi Order Azeemia, this humble servant, with utmost humility and a heart full of gratitude, prays before Allah that He (Allah) keeps all of you in His protection and safety. May Allah bless us to strive together in promoting the mission of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) with love, sincerity, sympathy, a passion to serve humanity, and deep immersion. You all are very respectful to me and I, a humble individual hope that Allah bless us to play our role whole heartedly to nurture the mission of Hazoor Qalandar Baba Auliya RA. May Allah bless us to remain steadfast in nurturing the garden planted by Hazoor Qalandar Baba Auliya (RA). Ameen! O Lord, Ameen! You have come to the URS of Hazoor Qalandar Baba Auliya RA. And the exposition of various spiritual sciences that take place here, and the promotion of Hazoor Qalandar Baba Auliya's mission by you, by me, and by our friends, by our sympathizers - we should all evaluate the services rendered. If there is any deficiency in it, we should each assess ourselves. Insha Allah, we would pay due attention to it during the URS event. I believe that you all are my parts. I am a machine, and every person of the Azeemia Sufi Order is a part of it. Therefore, every part will serve its complete duty. If any part of the machine does not cooperate, it could result in the machine stopping, after experiencing jerks. There may be a machine with, 1000, 1200, 1500 parts, including a lever (PULLIYA) that contains a hole and a pin within it. Machine would not work even if that pin in missing. No matter how powerful the electricity, the generator, or the wire to transfer it, the machine would not work. You can experiment with it. Take a look at any large machine. Another common example is cars, which operate on four wheels. The weight of the shaft, to which the wheels are connected, is negligible compared to the overall weight of the car. The purpose of discussing this example is to inform that as per the Law of the Nature, even a negligible thing has its importance. The reason of setting this context for workers of the Azeemia Sufi Order, its elders its ladies and gentlemen is to note that this whole system, system of the whole universe, system of the earth, system of the sun and moon, system of the stars, system of life and death, system of Aaraf and system of Barzakh is based on formula. What are these formulas? These formulas work, when all the integral components are available to work. A human being is made of formula. Base material formula remains the same, but an animal is formed. With the same formula bids are formed. System of everything is bound to some sort of formula. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful. Glorify the name of thy Guardian-Lord Most High, Who hath created the Universe, and further, given order and proportion; Glorify the name of thy Guardian-Lord Most High, Who hath created the Universe Universe means, whatever is in the universe – there are angles, seven heavens, different creations of seven heavens, there is earth and earth has many creations. No one has discovered their count and where it is mentioned, it is an attempted estimation. If we contemplate on all creations from Quranic point of view, from Sufi thinking point of view, we would see the formulas in everything. We would see the Quality and we would see the Quantity. There is a drink, it has both Quality and Quantity. Birds, animals, cattle, insects, mountains, we would see Quality and Quantity. We consider mountains as static but Allah says, they are moving. Even expert geologists say that mountains are in motion and travelling. It is common knowledge that earth is continuously moving. Changing of day and night is an open sign that formulas are working in the system defined by the Lord. Glorify the name of thy Guardian-Lord Most High, Who hath created the Universe, and further, given order and proportion; And Who makes (things) according to a measure, then guides (them to their goal), You are a human being, I am a human being, all present here, who are listening, wherever they are listening are human being. Does anyone’s eye exactly match others? Does anyone’s face match others 100%? Being alike is a separate matter. As per the teaching of Hazoor Qalandar Baba Auliya RA, it becomes evident that here all the creations, whole system, system of Throne and Chair, system of Hijab-e-Azmat, system of Hijab-e-Kibriya, system of Hijab-e-Mahmood, system of Sidra-tul-Muntaha, system of Bait-al-Ma-Moor, system of Kitabl-al-Mubeen, system of Loh-o-Mahfooz, system of Barzakh, system of Hazeera, system of sun and moon, system of the heavens, system of the earth, the layers which make up the earth, layers over layers, all is based on formulas. Ask any tree expert, and they will tell you that within a tree's trunk, there are distinct layers responsible for water transport. layers over layers are different, veins are different, mass is different, and a tree is made up of all of them. Let’s take the rose – layers over layers. What you are going to call the beautiful petals other than layers. What are these layers? These layers are specific formulas of everything. Who hath created the Universe, and further, given order and proportion; And Who bringeth out the (green and luscious) pasture, (087:02-04) The Lord who created with balance. Eyes are in proportion, nose is in proportion, lips are in proportion – you will not find a single thing, not a single shape in the universe that is created without a formula. It was a command of Allah and Hazoor Qalandar Baba Auliay RA made me say. I am a flute and Hazoor Qalandar Baba Auliay RA blows in it. As a flute, I turn his blow in words. May Allah bless me and all of you who have come for the event of URS. What should I say? I am waiting for you, I want to see you, even for a short time, I want to be close to you. May Allah spread the blessings of Hazoor Qalandar Baba Auliay (RA) even more abundantly than the sea. Hazoor Qalandar Baba Auliay RA has given me, you, and all of us an opportunity to gather at a place, meet each other and see each other. Insha Allah, URS is close. I am waiting for you. I am very confident that image of me remembering you, my desire to see you, does reflects in you as well. Whoever is able to come and circumstances permit, not forcefully, one must come and give me pleasure to meet you. Love to the children, peace greetings to elders, and greetings of all who know me! Peace be upon you and mercy and blessing of Allah SWT!