WEBVTT 00:00:00.000 --> 00:00:12.693 The Father in Heaven through His Son, gave us the righteousness of His Son; so that I will not struggle with my own works to be accepted in God. 00:00:12.693 --> 00:00:21.206 By grace and faith, I receive and embrace the righteousness of Jesus Christ who became sin for me, 00:00:21.206 --> 00:00:26.410 and I'm accepted before Him without forcing my own works to validate me. 00:00:26.410 --> 00:00:37.220 We do not sing here for God to accept us; we do not pray here so that God would accept us; we do not serve here so that God may accept us. 00:00:37.220 --> 00:00:45.720 Because God accepted us in Christ Jesus through repentance and clothed us in Christ and His holiness, that's why we sing unto Him, 00:00:45.720 --> 00:00:52.918 that's why we pray to Him and believe that when we call on His name, things begin to change. 00:00:52.918 --> 00:00:54.879 Apostle Paul says, "You are rich in Christ!" 00:00:54.879 --> 00:00:57.469 " I'm rich in Christ!" 00:00:57.469 --> 00:01:06.436 Paul continues and says, "You are reedemed and washed of your past!" 00:01:06.436 --> 00:01:13.602 And if you keep on reminding yourself over your past, let me tell you that you do not trully believe in the blood of the Lamb! 00:01:13.602 --> 00:01:22.553 In the book of Hebrews 10, the author of this Book comes and declares, quoting the prophet Jeremiah, 00:01:22.553 --> 00:01:27.896 "Days are coming says the Lord, when I will make a new covenant with Israel and the gentiles!" 00:01:27.896 --> 00:01:29.594 What covenant Jeremiah? 00:01:29.594 --> 00:01:40.511 "I will make a covenant by which, through one sacrifice I will perfect, cleanse, and sanctify those who will accept and receive My Son!" 00:01:40.511 --> 00:01:50.869 Afterward, the writer adds, " And I will not remember anymore their sins!" 00:01:50.869 --> 00:01:59.596 If you continue today to live in the poverty of your past, let me tell you that you are not aware of the inheritance that you have today in Christ Jesus! 00:01:59.596 --> 00:02:09.015 You continue to live in your past, thinking about what was negative there; guilt, blaming yourself or others, condemnation and so forth... 00:02:09.015 --> 00:02:15.400 If you truly belong to Christ, God does not remember your past! 00:02:15.400 --> 00:02:21.380 He cast all your sins into the sea of forgetfulness and washed them completely! 00:02:21.380 --> 00:02:28.021 If you keep swimming in that sea, it means that you permit your mind and thoughts to be deceived by satan and take you there. 00:02:28.021 --> 00:02:34.876 You are rich in Christ Jesus because you are redeemed; you are rich because you are made righteous. 00:02:34.876 --> 00:02:39.379 You are rich, because you washed of your negative past! 00:02:39.379 --> 00:02:54.803 [ Music ]