Who are you inside of her? The spirit of the queen of the coast! When I want to connect with Jesus, the queen of the coast will appear to disturb me with different types of snakes. My name is Nwaru Cordelia. I come from Nigeria and I am based in Italy. I want to destroy her life! I want her to serve me! She wants to serve Jesus! When I tried to make contact with Jesus, that spirit will not allow me to praise Jesus or worship Jesus. It came to block my throat so that I can't worship Jesus. It appeared to me spiritually and physically. When I start praying the spirit will come to tell me that I shouldn't pray, but that I will serve her not Jesus. But I have to go to river and do sacrifices. Maybe people will come to my own house to tell me their problems, Maybe from there I'll begin to see their problem, through the kingdom of the queen of coast, so, by then I'll put on white, put on red, put on many things in his name. How do you destroy her health? Speak! I don't want her to marry! Yes, I see myself married in spirit, having a wedding, having everything! I have two kids, a boy and a girl, yes, I have everything. In the Kingdom I have everything, I didn't lack anything. I have and I have servants that serve me. There is one man that wants to marry me but they said that I'm too small to marry the man. Since then, nobody has asked for my hand in marriage. I want to get married! I always see and the queen of coast, man and woman, they will come together. Or sometime I'll see something like, a red thing and if I see anything red I won't marry the person. Because the the spirit used to come to me in the dream. You demon your time has expired! In the name of Jesus Christ, come out in the name of Jesus Christ! Out in name of Jesus Christ! Out! I command you this time to come out in the name of Jesus Christ! I command you to come out in the name of Jesus Christ! Thank you for her deliverance. You are free in the name of Jesus Christ! Today is amazing because I didn't expect that that kind of thing would happen. That the woman of God will come to me and I spoke what I didn't know. There were many things which I didn't know. I feel free! When I was delivered, the Holy Ghost visited me! Jesus is the only way and the truth that can save you in any situation! [♪ Music ♪]