0:00:00.000,0:00:00.050 . 0:00:01.950,0:00:05.650 When I tell people I’m a missionary,[br]I get all kinds of questions. 0:00:05.650,0:00:09.113 People ask,[br]“What kind of missionary are you?” 0:00:09.113,0:00:13.242 Or they want to know exactly[br]what it is a missionary does. 0:00:13.242,0:00:16.537 Or a lot of times,[br]people will say, “A missionary? 0:00:16.537,0:00:18.330 Here? You mean, that’s really a thing?” 0:00:18.330,0:00:22.950 Well, there’s 281-million lost people[br]in the U-S and Canada. 0:00:22.950,0:00:25.212 So yeah. It’s a thing. 0:00:25.212,0:00:27.715 But there’s one question[br]no one’s ever asked me. 0:00:27.715,0:00:28.924 And I wish they would. 0:00:28.924,0:00:32.094 No one’s ever asked,[br]“Where’s the finish line?” 0:00:32.094,0:00:33.971 That’s the question I want to hear: 0:00:33.971,0:00:36.682 “What does ‘mission accomplished’[br]look like?” 0:00:36.682,0:00:40.686 You can watch videos[br]about North American missionaries like me. 0:00:40.686,0:00:43.500 You can read stories about us.[br]And you can pray for us. 0:00:43.500,0:00:46.650 But don’t get so caught up in the methods[br]and minutiae of what we do 0:00:46.650,0:00:48.652 that you miss the main thing. 0:00:48.652,0:00:51.197 Everything you see and hear[br]and read about us 0:00:51.197,0:00:53.074 is really just a means to an end. 0:00:53.074,0:00:57.000 We start churches to make Jesus known. 0:00:57.000,0:00:59.747 We meet needs to make Jesus known. 0:00:59.747,0:01:03.209 We move to unfamiliar places,[br]we meet unreached people, 0:01:03.209,0:01:08.255 and we attempt unrealistic things…[br]just to make Jesus known. 0:01:08.255,0:01:11.217 There’s nothing more important than that. 0:01:11.217,0:01:12.927 Nada. 0:01:12.927,0:01:14.804 Nothing at all. 0:01:14.804,0:01:17.014 Jesus said, “Go into all the world 0:01:17.014,0:01:20.643 and proclaim the gospel[br]to the whole creation.” 0:01:20.643,0:01:24.522 And so[br]that’s what our finish line looks like. 0:01:24.522,0:01:28.609 It looks like obedience.[br]Same as your finish line. 0:01:28.609,0:01:31.946 God speaks.[br]You give. We go. 0:01:31.946,0:01:36.242 Everything starts with your gifts[br]to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. 0:01:36.242,0:01:40.621 Those gifts enable us to go to places[br]where the gospel’s never been. 0:01:40.621,0:01:43.290 And this is[br]where we cross our finish line. 0:01:43.290,0:01:47.461 This is where, together,[br]we make Jesus known.