. When I tell people I’m a missionary, I get all kinds of questions. People ask, “What kind of missionary are you?” Or they want to know exactly what it is a missionary does. Or a lot of times, people will say, “A missionary? Here? You mean, that’s really a thing?” Well, there’s 281-million lost people in the U-S and Canada. So yeah. It’s a thing. But there’s one question no one’s ever asked me. And I wish they would. No one’s ever asked, “Where’s the finish line?” That’s the question I want to hear: “What does ‘mission accomplished’ look like?” You can watch videos about North American missionaries like me. You can read stories about us. And you can pray for us. But don’t get so caught up in the methods and minutiae of what we do that you miss the main thing. Everything you see and hear and read about us is really just a means to an end. We start churches to make Jesus known. We meet needs to make Jesus known. We move to unfamiliar places, we meet unreached people, and we attempt unrealistic things… just to make Jesus known. There’s nothing more important than that. Nada. Nothing at all. Jesus said, “Go into all the world and proclaim the gospel to the whole creation.” And so that’s what our finish line looks like. It looks like obedience. Same as your finish line. God speaks. You give. We go. Everything starts with your gifts to the Annie Armstrong Easter Offering. Those gifts enable us to go to places where the gospel’s never been. And this is where we cross our finish line. This is where, together, we make Jesus known.