static noise effect mysterious music I've been a preacher for more than 30 years. I've studied and taught through the book of Genesis many, many times in churches all around the world and I've trained pastors in the skills of interpreting texts and it's very clear they're not stories about Gods. They're stories about the powerful ones in the Bible. And the sky people, the Anunnakki in the Sumerian tablets static noise effect [Narrator] In 1896 eminent scholar Nathaniel Schmidt was fired from his position as Professor of Semitic languages at Colgate University For eleven years, this American University had enjoyed Nathaniel Schmidt rendition ? and Semitic Languages He delivered numerous courses in Hebrew, Aramaic, Coptic , Arabic , Syriac and other ancient languages besides In fact, Nathaniel Schmidt was one of America's leading scholars in the field So why, after eleven years of outstanding achievement was he tried for heresy, and fired from his tenure in 1896? Though a devout Christian and a Baptist pastor The authorities considered that his recent theological papers had struck at the very roots of two world religions Christianity and Judaism. What Nathaniel Schmidt had done wrong was read the Sumerian and Babylonian and Assyrian text and notice that they were full of fascinating parallels. Stories that occurred there that were uncannily similar to all the stories and begginings of the Bible. Stories like: Adam and Eve The Fall , Cain and Abel The Flood, the limiting of human life, the event of the Tower of Babel, and Schmidt's work demonstrated that the Sumerian accounts and those that follow it from nearly 6000 years ago where in all probability the source of all those familiar ? biblical stories. Now, that was a problem in the 1890's because if you think about it the Church was still reading from the after effects of [Paul] Charles Darwin's "On the Origin of Species" and it is busy putting together new doctrinal basis and new doctrines of biblical inherency to shore up the ship So the idea that the Bible might actually be based on somebody else's stories was a bit of an embarrassment It shouldn't have been because Judaism and Christianity both find their roots in the story of a Sumerian family. The family of Abraham and Sarah. Abraham and Sarah grew up and spent the best part of their lives in (research name) A Sumerian culture and so when they emigrated from there it's hardly surprising that they would carry with them [Paul] all the stories of beginnings that they had grown up with. and sew them into the foundations of what was to become their culture their religion and their Bible.