0:00:20.904,0:00:21.774 I'm trying to be 0:00:21.774,0:00:22.537 be as quiet 0:00:22.537,0:00:24.017 as possible right now because 0:00:24.017,0:00:25.547 my parents are asleep 0:00:25.547,0:00:27.097 right next door 0:00:27.097,0:00:28.447 but I am sitting here, 0:00:28.447,0:00:30.827 in an empty suitcase 0:00:30.827,0:00:32.186 when I need to be 0:00:32.186,0:00:34.385 at the airport in like 9 hours. 0:00:34.853,0:00:35.973 I have like a million different 0:00:35.973,0:00:36.740 thoughts running through 0:00:36.740,0:00:37.073 my mind right now 0:00:37.073,0:00:39.179 and I am very overwhelmed! 0:00:39.179,0:00:40.551 Also very excited, 0:00:40.551,0:00:42.321 and nervous, and scared, 0:00:42.321,0:00:43.873 but also, very overwhelmed, 0:00:43.873,0:00:45.563 but i want to get some sleep, um, 0:00:45.563,0:00:47.184 before my 14 hour flight tomorrow 0:00:48.295,0:00:50.815 so let's start packing y'all! 0:01:12.447,0:01:14.967 Finally done! 0:01:15.344,0:01:17.390 but at what cost... 0:01:24.644,0:01:26.224 Got a solid one and a half 0:01:26.224,0:01:29.374 hours of sleep last night, so 0:01:29.374,0:01:30.854 feeling pretty great! 0:01:30.854,0:01:32.734 This isn't my first time traveling alone, 0:01:32.734,0:01:34.814 but this is my first time traveling 0:01:34.814,0:01:36.754 internationally alone 0:01:36.754,0:01:39.804 so i'm kinda scared, um, 0:01:39.804,0:01:41.174 I've never been to Italy before, 0:01:41.193,0:01:42.682 I don't know any italian 0:01:42.682,0:01:45.392 I tried to learn a little bit through Duolingo 0:01:45.392,0:01:48.632 but my streak lasted for exactly one day 0:01:48.632,0:01:49.736 and i stopped using it. 0:01:49.736,0:01:51.304 But I'm going to try and just like 0:01:51.304,0:01:53.404 memorize a couple phrases 0:01:53.404,0:01:54.849 when I go to the airport. 0:01:54.853,0:01:55.733 Speaking of which, 0:01:55.733,0:01:57.722 I need to call my Uber soon 0:01:57.723,0:02:00.503 because I'm home alone right now. 0:02:00.503,0:02:03.763 Mm this mango is so- 0:02:03.763,0:02:05.793 mm this mango is so good what the heck. 0:02:24.748,0:02:27.387 Okay thank you so much. 0:02:40.147,0:02:41.020 Okay, thank you. 0:02:50.620,0:02:52.190 I feel like I was running off of 0:02:52.190,0:02:54.340 pure adrenaline this morning because 0:02:54.340,0:02:55.510 I didn't get any sleep, 0:02:55.510,0:02:56.974 I didn't eat anything, 0:02:56.974,0:02:59.032 and now I'm finally 0:02:59.032,0:03:00.661 eating my first meal of the day 0:03:00.661,0:03:02.867 um, and it's like 1pm right now. 0:03:02.867,0:03:05.278 The lines were also crazy long today 0:03:05.281,0:03:06.567 I am very glad 0:03:06.567,0:03:07.637 that I came here early 0:03:07.637,0:03:09.366 so I have actually a little bit 0:03:09.366,0:03:10.650 of time before boarding. 0:03:10.650,0:03:13.770 I cannot wait to just like, pass out 0:03:13.773,0:03:14.923 when I go on the plane 0:03:14.923,0:03:16.223 because I'm so tired. 0:03:16.223,0:03:18.608 I think it's finally starting to [br]catch up to me. 0:03:26.610,0:03:28.034 Made it to Roma! 0:03:28.034,0:03:29.251 Currently trying to find 0:03:29.251,0:03:30.341 one of the 0:03:30.341,0:03:32.209 people that I'm studying abroad with 0:03:32.209,0:03:33.828 and this is so hard! 0:03:33.995,0:03:35.342 Very nice weather though! 0:04:09.750,0:04:10.630 Pasta! 0:04:11.176,0:04:12.879 Ugh! 0:04:16.737,0:04:18.540 Finally back in the hostel 0:04:18.540,0:04:20.507 that we are staying for tonight. 0:04:20.507,0:04:23.448 Um, tomorrow we're gonna head to Bologna. 0:04:23.448,0:04:24.608 Gonna take a train there, 0:04:24.608,0:04:27.537 and spend a couple days doing some tours 0:04:27.542,0:04:29.512 um, before we head to our farmstays. 0:04:29.512,0:04:30.832 I'm very excited 0:04:30.832,0:04:32.174 um, but also 0:04:32.261,0:04:34.381 soo exhausted. 0:04:34.457,0:04:36.829 I was literally falling asleep, 0:04:36.829,0:04:37.579 um, at dinner. 0:04:37.584,0:04:39.675 Which was really really good by the way! 0:04:39.764,0:04:42.404 My first "real" Italian meal. 0:04:42.404,0:04:45.044 The pasta of course was amazing. 0:04:45.044,0:04:46.884 So was the tiramisu. 0:04:46.884,0:04:48.158 My card ran out of memory, um. 0:04:48.194,0:04:51.954 But yeah I am so, so grateful to be here. 0:04:51.994,0:04:53.694 I've been kind of getting to know 0:04:53.694,0:04:54.638 my professors, 0:04:54.638,0:04:56.218 and the other students 0:04:56.218,0:04:57.698 from my program 0:04:57.698,0:04:58.768 a little bit more today 0:04:58.768,0:05:00.098 and so that has been really fun. 0:05:00.394,0:05:03.228 It is quite hard to film 0:05:03.256,0:05:04.736 um, in a space like this, 0:05:04.756,0:05:06.482 but I will take what I can get. 0:05:06.482,0:05:08.372 But yeah I'm going to get washed up 0:05:08.372,0:05:10.462 and try and do a little bit 0:05:10.472,0:05:11.702 of work before I sleep, 0:05:11.702,0:05:13.038 but I honestly don't think 0:05:13.038,0:05:13.938 that's gonna happen 0:05:13.938,0:05:15.078 because I am so tired. 0:06:06.292,0:06:08.092 I look like such a tourist 0:06:10.464,0:06:12.145 Refreshing 0:06:56.520,0:06:58.750 It's good! It's good. 0:07:05.224,0:07:06.014 Oh my god! 0:07:10.873,0:07:13.258 Second gelato of the day. 0:07:15.101,0:07:16.321 Good? Yea 0:07:19.150,0:07:20.948 Hello, this is editing Deborah 0:07:20.948,0:07:22.188 realizing from the future 0:07:22.199,0:07:23.859 that she never explained 0:07:23.868,0:07:26.208 what study abroad program she's doing 0:07:26.208,0:07:27.614 why am I talking in third person, 0:07:27.614,0:07:28.464 I don't know 0:07:28.464,0:07:29.621 but that's what I'm gonna be 0:07:29.621,0:07:30.561 doing right now 0:07:30.561,0:07:31.551 you can skip ahead if you 0:07:31.551,0:07:32.724 don't really care 0:07:32.724,0:07:34.364 I think when most people think of 0:07:34.451,0:07:36.361 studying abroad, they think of 0:07:36.361,0:07:37.134 an exchange 0:07:37.134,0:07:39.334 where basically you go to a country, 0:07:39.334,0:07:40.819 a different country 0:07:40.819,0:07:42.543 and take classes at a university 0:07:42.543,0:07:43.834 with the local students 0:07:43.834,0:07:46.054 I am not doing an exchange. 0:07:46.054,0:07:47.654 I am doing a faculty led program, 0:07:47.654,0:07:49.594 where for 4 weeks I spend 0:07:49.594,0:07:51.864 all of my time with 24 other students 0:07:51.864,0:07:54.692 and 3 professors from my university 0:07:54.701,0:07:56.242 the University of Washington 0:07:56.251,0:07:57.451 we're basically learning 0:07:57.451,0:07:58.781 as we travel together 0:07:58.781,0:08:01.111 and so first we started off in Bologna 0:08:01.111,0:08:02.775 now we're in Tuscany and 0:08:02.775,0:08:05.501 we're going to be finishing off the trip 0:08:05.501,0:08:07.122 in Rome for a couple of weeks 0:08:07.122,0:08:08.674 It's a pretty special program, 0:08:08.721,0:08:10.612 I am super lucky and privileged 0:08:10.612,0:08:12.369 to have had the opportunity 0:08:12.369,0:08:13.692 to participate in this 0:08:13.692,0:08:15.292 but basically we're here in Italy 0:08:15.292,0:08:17.076 to learn about the food systems 0:08:17.076,0:08:18.822 and compare them to the food systems 0:08:18.822,0:08:19.822 of the U.S. 0:08:19.822,0:08:20.792 so we've been doing 0:08:20.792,0:08:23.034 a lot of food-centered activities 0:08:23.034,0:08:24.554 we've been taking cooking classes 0:08:24.554,0:08:26.917 going on tours of vegetable farms 0:08:26.917,0:08:28.447 and cheese factories 0:08:28.447,0:08:29.647 and we've also been doing 0:08:29.647,0:08:31.227 a lot of reading and discussion 0:08:31.227,0:08:33.027 around food, food culture, 0:08:33.027,0:08:35.600 agricultural practices, things like that. 0:08:35.600,0:08:37.158 I didn't film much in Bologna, 0:08:37.185,0:08:38.805 just because I was still kind of 0:08:38.805,0:08:39.945 getting to know everyone 0:08:39.945,0:08:41.868 and I didn't want everyones first 0:08:41.868,0:08:43.318 impression of me to be 0:08:43.318,0:08:44.888 that person carrying their camera 0:08:44.888,0:08:46.128 and filming everything 0:08:46.128,0:08:48.008 Also, although the tours we've been doing 0:08:48.046,0:08:49.666 have been very interesting 0:08:49.666,0:08:51.678 um, I don't know exactly how interesting 0:08:51.678,0:08:54.418 you guys would find the in depth 0:08:54.418,0:08:56.601 video on the process of how parmesan 0:08:56.601,0:08:58.281 reggiano and prosciutto is made. 0:08:58.281,0:09:00.061 Although if you do want that video, 0:09:00.061,0:09:00.841 let me know. 0:09:00.909,0:09:02.787 Let me know if you quys have any questions 0:09:02.787,0:09:03.867 about my program 0:09:03.867,0:09:05.327 or anything else in the comments, 0:09:05.327,0:09:07.274 and I will try my best to answer them. 0:09:07.274,0:09:08.886 Okay back to the video. 0:09:42.875,0:09:45.369 Ah! Noo!! 0:10:51.876,0:10:54.262 Oo it is kinda cold! 0:11:09.956,0:11:12.736 I took a shower after going to the beach 0:11:12.736,0:11:15.066 for the first time since coming here, 0:11:15.066,0:11:18.226 and guys this place is so beautiful 0:11:18.226,0:11:19.827 the only thing is 0:11:19.827,0:11:22.867 the bugs here are actually insane 0:11:22.988,0:11:25.118 I think I might be allergic or something 0:11:25.118,0:11:27.626 because I have like, welts on my legs 0:11:27.626,0:11:28.836 from the bug bites 0:11:28.836,0:11:31.048 They look like rashes 0:11:31.048,0:11:32.415 and they're so itchy 0:11:32.415,0:11:34.528 Bug spray does not deter these 0:11:34.528,0:11:35.788 Italian bugs at all. 0:11:35.788,0:11:37.877 They're just built different I guess. 0:11:37.877,0:11:40.509 I'm on a farmstay right now 0:11:40.509,0:11:42.479 um, this is called Tenuta San Carlo 0:11:42.479,0:11:43.229 I believe 0:11:43.305,0:11:45.265 honestly it has been so long 0:11:45.265,0:11:46.457 since I've vlogged 0:11:46.457,0:11:48.057 that I kinda forgot how to vlog 0:11:48.057,0:11:49.027 in the first place 0:11:49.027,0:11:50.807 but I've been really just trying 0:11:50.807,0:11:52.326 to enjoy my time 0:11:52.326,0:11:54.466 and just soak everything up 0:11:54.466,0:11:56.684 because this has been such an amazing 0:11:56.684,0:11:58.082 experience so far 0:11:58.082,0:12:01.132 overall I'm just so grateful to be here 0:12:04.442,0:12:06.406 Even just looking out my 0:12:06.406,0:12:07.786 window is insane, like 0:12:09.573,0:12:11.352 I'm in Tuscany right now, 0:12:11.352,0:12:12.256 I'm in Italy! 0:12:12.256,0:12:13.649 Studying abroad! 0:12:13.649,0:12:15.579 Like, what a crazy concept 0:12:27.138,0:12:28.138 0:12:39.696,0:12:43.696 Mm that's so good! 0:13:55.742,0:13:58.492 I have a bug bite, right here. 0:13:58.492,0:14:00.102 I've been getting some comments that 0:14:00.102,0:14:01.962 it seems like I'm just on vacation 0:14:01.962,0:14:03.782 and I promise that we're actually, like, 0:14:03.782,0:14:05.582 doing work and learning things 0:14:05.582,0:14:07.562 uh, while we are studying abroad 0:14:07.562,0:14:08.432 here in Italy 0:14:08.432,0:14:09.504 I just haven't been filming a lot of it, 0:14:09.504,0:14:11.034 since it usually like 0:14:11.034,0:14:12.894 big group discussions, 0:14:12.894,0:14:14.264 and going on tours 0:14:14.264,0:14:15.786 and things like that 0:14:15.786,0:14:17.265 today we're actually going to be 0:14:17.265,0:14:18.595 doing some stuff besides 0:14:18.595,0:14:20.445 um, biking and swimming in the ocean 0:14:20.445,0:14:22.285 and so I'll try and film 0:14:22.285,0:14:24.235 as much as I can for you guys 0:14:45.658,0:14:47.382 It's okay you can just be yourself. 0:14:47.382,0:14:48.982 I don't know who I am anymore! 0:14:50.598,0:14:52.598 Jen's teaching Chris how to take selfies 0:15:13.967,0:15:14.767 Rice! 0:15:21.930,0:15:23.482 Risotto! 0:15:27.185,0:15:28.999 Cheers! 0:15:37.401,0:15:39.411 I feel like I really have not talked much 0:15:39.411,0:15:40.641 in this vlog 0:15:40.641,0:15:42.341 so i thought I would do a little bit 0:15:42.341,0:15:43.651 of a reflection because 0:15:43.651,0:15:46.185 tomorrow's our last full day 0:15:46.185,0:15:47.235 of being at the farm before 0:15:47.235,0:15:48.485 we move to another farmstay 0:15:48.485,0:15:49.745 and it's been officially a week, 0:15:49.745,0:15:50.905 since I've been here, 0:15:50.905,0:15:52.425 about a week and a day actually 0:15:52.425,0:15:54.756 and it's just crazy because I feel like 0:15:54.756,0:15:57.196 I've been here for so long 0:15:57.196,0:15:58.566 studying abroad so far 0:15:58.566,0:15:59.926 has been really great 0:15:59.926,0:16:02.848 honestly, like, exceeding my expectations 0:16:02.848,0:16:04.408 um, there were definitely a couple 0:16:04.408,0:16:06.176 of unfortunate situations 0:16:06.176,0:16:07.216 but for the most part 0:16:07.216,0:16:09.373 there has been so many good things 0:16:09.373,0:16:11.646 that I just didn't expect 0:16:11.646,0:16:13.866 One thing is that I feel like 0:16:13.866,0:16:15.726 I'm getting so close with my professors 0:16:15.726,0:16:17.874 I've kind of always had an 0:16:17.874,0:16:19.436 inferiority complex 0:16:19.436,0:16:20.698 when it comes to 0:16:20.698,0:16:23.558 um, people that I feel like 0:16:23.558,0:16:24.745 are superior to me 0:16:24.745,0:16:25.956 I got to a really big university 0:16:25.956,0:16:27.661 I never really talk to my professors 0:16:27.661,0:16:28.448 even though I should 0:16:28.448,0:16:29.948 and now that I'm here, like, 0:16:29.961,0:16:31.341 spending every day with them 0:16:31.341,0:16:32.606 It's been really great 0:16:32.606,0:16:33.794 and it's something I didn't really 0:16:33.794,0:16:35.298 expect from this trip. 0:16:35.298,0:16:37.958 As someone that is very introverted, 0:16:37.958,0:16:39.248 I will say that I have had 0:16:39.248,0:16:40.938 a little bit of trouble adjusting 0:16:40.942,0:16:42.932 to how much social interaction 0:16:42.932,0:16:44.107 I'm doing every day. 0:16:44.107,0:16:46.483 Like I rarely get alone time, 0:16:46.483,0:16:49.293 which is something that I'm kind of still 0:16:49.293,0:16:50.477 getting used to because 0:16:50.477,0:16:51.404 I'm someone that 0:16:51.404,0:16:52.759 really values my alone time 0:16:52.759,0:16:56.409 but it's a lot harder to get here 0:16:56.409,0:16:57.697 while I'm studying abroad 0:16:57.697,0:16:59.227 but yeah I've just been kind of 0:16:59.227,0:17:00.686 learning to listen to my body 0:17:00.686,0:17:02.480 and not feel like I have to join in 0:17:02.480,0:17:03.932 on every single activity 0:17:03.932,0:17:05.696 I do need my time to just 0:17:05.696,0:17:07.848 decompress, and be alone 0:17:07.848,0:17:09.484 I think I was definitely 0:17:09.484,0:17:10.484 really overwhelmed 0:17:10.484,0:17:11.847 for the first couple of days 0:17:11.847,0:17:13.667 just meeting everyone, 0:17:13.667,0:17:15.079 being in a new country, 0:17:15.079,0:17:16.909 but I feel like I'm finally kind of 0:17:16.909,0:17:19.059 getting used to the pace of 0:17:19.059,0:17:20.649 studying abroad, 0:17:20.649,0:17:22.882 and being with the people here. 0:17:22.882,0:17:24.582 Thank you for your patience always 0:17:24.637,0:17:28.117 I truly do not think that I would be here 0:17:28.117,0:17:30.447 studying abroad if it weren't for 0:17:30.447,0:17:31.644 your guys' support 0:17:31.644,0:17:33.729 and I can't wait for y'all to see 0:17:33.729,0:17:35.839 the content that I am going to produce 0:17:35.839,0:17:38.119 while I"m here, studying abroad. 0:17:38.119,0:17:40.326 With that, I will see you guys next time! 0:17:40.326,0:17:41.416 Bye