0:00:00.620,0:00:02.780 Now let's do a really[br]interesting problem. 0:00:02.780,0:00:05.290 So I have y equals x,[br]and y is equal to x 0:00:05.290,0:00:07.840 squared minus 2x[br]right over here. 0:00:07.840,0:00:09.530 And we're going to[br]rotate the region 0:00:09.530,0:00:11.020 in between these two functions. 0:00:11.020,0:00:13.277 So that's this region[br]right over here. 0:00:13.277,0:00:15.610 And we're not going to rotate[br]it just around the x-axis, 0:00:15.610,0:00:19.360 we're going to rotate it around[br]the horizontal line y equals 4. 0:00:19.360,0:00:21.454 So we're going to[br]rotate it around this. 0:00:21.454,0:00:23.870 And if we do that, we'll get[br]a shape that looks like this. 0:00:23.870,0:00:26.550 I drew it ahead of time, just[br]so I could draw it nicely. 0:00:26.550,0:00:30.210 And as you can see, it looks[br]like some type of a vase 0:00:30.210,0:00:32.060 with a hole at the bottom. 0:00:32.060,0:00:34.520 And so what we're going to do[br]is attempt to do this using, 0:00:34.520,0:00:36.395 I guess you'd call it[br]the washer method which 0:00:36.395,0:00:37.800 is a variant of the disk method. 0:00:37.800,0:00:39.790 So let's construct a washer. 0:00:39.790,0:00:42.350 So let's look at a given x. 0:00:42.350,0:00:45.520 So let's say an x[br]right over here. 0:00:45.520,0:00:47.750 So let's say that we're[br]at an x right over there. 0:00:47.750,0:00:48.370 And what we're[br]going to do is we're 0:00:48.370,0:00:50.160 going to rotate this region. 0:00:50.160,0:00:54.090 We're going to give[br]it some depth, dx. 0:00:54.090,0:00:55.010 So that is dx. 0:00:55.010,0:00:57.120 We're going to rotate[br]this around the line y 0:00:57.120,0:00:57.840 is equal to 4. 0:00:57.840,0:01:02.580 So if you were to visualize it[br]over here, you have some depth. 0:01:02.580,0:01:05.472 And when you rotate it[br]around, the inner radius 0:01:05.472,0:01:07.680 is going to look like the[br]inner radius of our washer. 0:01:07.680,0:01:09.440 It's going to look[br]something like that. 0:01:12.210,0:01:13.900 And then the outer[br]radius of our washer 0:01:13.900,0:01:17.420 is going to contour[br]around x squared minus 2x. 0:01:17.420,0:01:21.780 So it's going to[br]look something-- 0:01:21.780,0:01:23.703 my best attempt[br]to draw it-- it's 0:01:23.703,0:01:25.440 going to look[br]something like that. 0:01:27.950,0:01:30.810 And of course, our washer[br]is going to have some depth. 0:01:30.810,0:01:32.250 So let me draw the depth. 0:01:32.250,0:01:35.950 So it's going to[br]have some depth, dx. 0:01:35.950,0:01:39.940 So this is my best attempt at[br]drawing some of that the depth. 0:01:39.940,0:01:42.970 So this is the[br]depth of our washer. 0:01:42.970,0:01:45.440 And then just to make the face[br]of the washer a little bit 0:01:45.440,0:01:47.230 clearer, let me do it[br]in this green color. 0:01:47.230,0:01:49.440 So the face of the[br]washer is going 0:01:49.440,0:01:52.310 to be all of this business. 0:01:52.310,0:01:57.060 All of this business is going[br]to be the face of our washer. 0:01:57.060,0:01:59.350 So if we can figure[br]out the volume of one 0:01:59.350,0:02:01.210 of these washers for a[br]given x, then we just 0:02:01.210,0:02:03.240 have to sum up all of[br]the washers for all 0:02:03.240,0:02:05.919 of the x's in our interval. 0:02:05.919,0:02:07.710 So let's see if we can[br]set up the integral, 0:02:07.710,0:02:09.990 and maybe in the[br]next video we'll 0:02:09.990,0:02:13.820 just forge ahead and actually[br]evaluate the integral. 0:02:13.820,0:02:15.964 So let's think about the[br]volume of the washer. 0:02:15.964,0:02:17.630 To think about the[br]volume of the washer, 0:02:17.630,0:02:19.580 we really just have to[br]think about the area 0:02:19.580,0:02:21.510 of the face of the washer. 0:02:21.510,0:02:26.510 So area of "face"--[br]put face in quotes-- 0:02:26.510,0:02:28.380 is going to be equal to what? 0:02:28.380,0:02:30.670 Well, it would be the[br]area of the washer-- 0:02:30.670,0:02:32.880 if it wasn't a washer,[br]if it was just a coin-- 0:02:32.880,0:02:35.441 and then subtract out[br]the area of the part 0:02:35.441,0:02:36.440 that you're cutting out. 0:02:36.440,0:02:38.890 So the area of the[br]washer if it didn't 0:02:38.890,0:02:40.750 have a hole in the[br]middle would just 0:02:40.750,0:02:44.285 be pi times the[br]outer radius squared. 0:02:48.150,0:02:51.090 It would be pi times[br]this radius squared, 0:02:51.090,0:02:52.950 that we could call[br]the outer radius. 0:02:52.950,0:02:55.320 And since it's a washer,[br]we need to subtract out 0:02:55.320,0:02:57.030 the area of this inner circle. 0:02:57.030,0:03:05.500 So minus pi times[br]inner radius squared. 0:03:05.500,0:03:07.000 So we really just[br]have to figure out 0:03:07.000,0:03:11.160 what the outer and inner radius,[br]or radii I should say, are. 0:03:11.160,0:03:12.710 So let's think about it. 0:03:12.710,0:03:19.971 So our outer radius is[br]going to be equal to what? 0:03:19.971,0:03:21.470 Well, we can visualize[br]it over here. 0:03:21.470,0:03:23.610 This is our outer[br]radius, which is also 0:03:23.610,0:03:27.770 going to be equal to[br]that right over there. 0:03:27.770,0:03:29.720 So that's the distance[br]between y equals 0:03:29.720,0:03:32.440 4 and the function that's[br]defining our outside. 0:03:38.250,0:03:40.520 So this is essentially,[br]this height right over here, 0:03:40.520,0:03:45.280 is going to be equal to 4[br]minus x squared minus 2x. 0:03:45.280,0:03:48.000 I'm just finding the distance[br]or the height between these two 0:03:48.000,0:03:48.900 functions. 0:03:48.900,0:03:52.140 So the outer radius is[br]going to be 4 minus this, 0:03:52.140,0:03:55.100 minus x squared minus[br]2x, which is just 4 0:03:55.100,0:03:58.520 minus x squared plus 2x. 0:03:58.520,0:03:59.850 Now, what is the inner radius? 0:04:05.080,0:04:06.830 What is that going to be? 0:04:06.830,0:04:11.550 Well, that's just going to[br]be this distance between y 0:04:11.550,0:04:13.480 equals 4 and y equals x. 0:04:13.480,0:04:15.265 So it's just going[br]to be 4 minus x. 0:04:19.079,0:04:22.810 So if we wanted to find[br]the area of the face of one 0:04:22.810,0:04:27.090 of these washers for a[br]given x, it's going to be-- 0:04:27.090,0:04:30.290 and we can factor[br]out this pi-- it's 0:04:30.290,0:04:34.680 going to be pi times the[br]outer radius squared, 0:04:34.680,0:04:36.540 which is all of this[br]business squared. 0:04:36.540,0:04:41.830 So it's going to be 4 minus[br]x squared plus 2x squared 0:04:41.830,0:04:43.280 minus pi times[br]the inner radius-- 0:04:43.280,0:04:44.780 although we factored[br]out the pi-- so 0:04:44.780,0:04:46.810 minus the inner radius squared. 0:04:46.810,0:04:51.800 So minus 4 minus x squared. 0:04:51.800,0:04:57.650 So this will give us[br]the area of the surface 0:04:57.650,0:04:59.280 or the face of one[br]of these washers. 0:04:59.280,0:05:01.700 If we want the volume of[br]one of those watchers, 0:05:01.700,0:05:05.040 we then just have to[br]multiply times the depth, dx. 0:05:08.010,0:05:10.800 And then if we want to actually[br]find the volume of this entire 0:05:10.800,0:05:14.250 figure, then we just have to[br]sum up all of these washers 0:05:14.250,0:05:15.950 for each of our x's. 0:05:15.950,0:05:16.830 So let's do that. 0:05:16.830,0:05:19.050 So we're going to sum[br]up the washers for each 0:05:19.050,0:05:21.300 of our x's and take the[br]limit as they approach zero, 0:05:21.300,0:05:23.490 but we have to make sure[br]we got our interval right. 0:05:23.490,0:05:26.260 So what are these-- we care[br]about the entire region 0:05:26.260,0:05:28.840 between the points[br]where they intersect. 0:05:28.840,0:05:30.620 So let's make sure[br]we get our interval. 0:05:30.620,0:05:32.203 So to figure out our[br]interval, we just 0:05:32.203,0:05:36.070 say when does y equal[br]x intersect y equal 0:05:36.070,0:05:37.350 x squared minus 2x? 0:05:39.990,0:05:41.630 Let me do this in[br]a different color. 0:05:41.630,0:05:44.150 We just have to[br]think about when does 0:05:44.150,0:05:46.245 x equal x squared minus 2x. 0:05:49.370,0:05:51.420 When are our two functions[br]equal to each other? 0:05:51.420,0:05:53.030 Which is equivalent[br]to-- if we just 0:05:53.030,0:05:58.800 subtract x from[br]both sides, we get 0:05:58.800,0:06:02.190 when does x squared[br]minus 3x equal 0. 0:06:02.190,0:06:05.260 We can factor out an x[br]on the right hand side. 0:06:05.260,0:06:09.530 So this is going to be when does[br]x times x minus 3 equal zero. 0:06:09.530,0:06:12.310 Well, if the product is equal[br]to 0, at least one of these 0:06:12.310,0:06:13.350 need to be equal to 0. 0:06:13.350,0:06:18.380 So x could be equal to 0,[br]or x minus 3 is equal to 0. 0:06:18.380,0:06:21.280 So x is equal to 0[br]or x is equal to 3. 0:06:21.280,0:06:24.010 So this is x is 0, and[br]this right over here 0:06:24.010,0:06:25.850 is x is equal to 3. 0:06:25.850,0:06:27.100 So that gives us our interval. 0:06:27.100,0:06:29.120 We're going to go[br]from x equals 0 0:06:29.120,0:06:32.850 to x equals 3 to get our volume. 0:06:32.850,0:06:35.000 In the next video,[br]we'll actually 0:06:35.000,0:06:37.320 evaluate this integral.