Hello, and welcome to a new training video Today we are talking about the virtual model. And I'd like to show you what it has in store for us. I started here on the cerebral cortex and went down a few cross-sectional images. And the neurocytes show most of the disease tendencies in this scan. We'll take a look at the different pathologies. We have an overreaction of the immune system, lupus. Then we have suspected Alzheimer's disease, neurasthenia, Lyme disease and also further away from the spectral similarity neuralgias, headaches, radiculopathies scleroderma, epilepsy and even herpes zoster that may be dormant there. So, we have an overall statement. Of these diseases, it is incredibly difficult to find out which is now the easiest, the best and the most important to treat. That's what the virtual model is for. Because the virtual model makes a weighting for us, which disease now seems to be image-determining for the patient's condition in the respective organ. So we have these diseases to choose from. And it may well be that if, for example, Lyme borreliosis appears at 0.363 and the Borrelia bacteria with a higher coefficient are in the list, that they are still important and worthy of attention. So here we have a statement about disease tendencies. But if we go to the "Analysis Module" tab and click on the "Virtual Model" button there, it shows us a very clear weighting. Here in this case of one disease and that is dyslupus. With different buttons and functions we have already found out that Lyme disease was the original problem that triggered the lupus. In medicine there are always several variations of a treatment. Causative, symptomatic or both in parallel. Here you wouldn't know directly without the virtual model whether you should treat causally or symptomatically. And then, since we have a wide range of pathologies here, which disease is in the foreground. So here the virtual model shows us that we should first get the overreaction of the immune system under control, and then just treat further. And then to be able to make a new selection. If we now want to use the virtual model in the recommendation module, we can tick a few things. And when we have ticked these things, the virtual model shows us which mixture fits best. That means that a weighting is clearly given here, but it shows us which mixture of remedies, which can then be taken together, would give a better yield for our therapy than the individual remedies. So, we click on several things, I have now taken registers at random. Click on the button "Virtual Model". And here it shows us that quadruple lutein, quadruple rutin, double the grapevine as a gemmo therapy the silver fir would be important. The individual registers may show individual things and which of the Spectral Similarity fit best. But with this variant, we have a pre-selection of the best combination for our problem without reworking. That is, our device has preselected which disease has the absolute relevance in purely mathematical terms. And by clicking on the recommendation module tabs, we have then worked out . a special combination. If we now go to a single register, this is also possible, so that we don't do several in parallel, but go to a single register. The amino acids, for example. Or the allopathy. Then we can apply the virtual model to that register as well. The amino acids are not quite so important. They are marked in yellow and a little higher are the coefficients. But still for demonstration purposes it is suitable to show how different the combinations can turn out. And so, with your favourite registers you can find out a perfect mixture aon the disease nd play these remedies and then prescribe them. Yes, that was actually it from the virtual model. It is really great that we can work out a prioritisation with the virtual model and that we can produce very special means. And maybe once again for the production, if we want to play up the amino acids that we just had as an example, then it is of course possible to test and play up the virtual model. And we can then use the expert module to test the whole virtual model on our neurocytes. It shows a 19 percent improvement here. And if we are satisfied with the improvement - 20 per cent is really really good with the HUMAN TS - then we can upload the whole thing with the internal reprinter. That's it from my side on the virtual model. Have fun and success trying it out.