0:00:00.000,0:00:04.206 God is calling us unto a new path this year. 0:00:04.206,0:00:15.361 You know what kind of reformation your heart and life must embrace. You know what you have to sacrifice from your life, so that you may become a living sacrifice for God. 0:00:15.361,0:00:21.615 Ghedeon, until he became the great man of God, do you remember what he first did? 0:00:21.615,0:00:36.891 He went into his father's house, by night, took the altar for idols, and destroyed it. He reformed his house and the place where he was. 0:00:36.999,0:00:40.479 He knew that a new path was coming for him with God. 0:00:40.479,0:00:50.905 There is no way to walk with God on this new path if you serve at the altars of worldly activities, things with unholy people in different places. 0:00:50.905,0:00:54.979 All types of unholy activities with unholy people must be sacrificed or destroyed from your life. 0:00:54.979,0:01:06.419 You used to meet with a friend in the last year, but your discussions did not conform with God's will and Spirit to strengthen, equip and renew you, 0:01:06.419,0:01:11.014 and were only gossip, slander, then you should destroy these type of altars. 0:01:11.014,0:01:14.223 If you hold these types of activities and discussions you cannot walk with God. 0:01:14.223,0:01:24.939 To whatever ungodly place, people, or activities you join your life to - for example, giving and living your life for social media entertainment through phone or PC, 0:01:24.939,0:01:38.608 receiving in your mind all types of polluted images and entertainment - all these worldly altars must broken and removed from your life in order to walk with God on His new way. 0:01:38.608,0:01:45.366 You are not fit on this path, you don't understand what is required from you on this path from God. 0:01:45.366,0:02:05.420 The first thing that you have to focus on, has to do with the total reformation of the heart and life, destroying every ''altar'' around you which draw strange fire. 0:02:05.670,0:02:07.914 Destroy the altar of pornography! 0:02:07.914,0:02:09.366 Destroy the altar of anger! 0:02:09.366,0:02:12.108 Destroy the altar of gossip, slander, rage, and unforgiveness! 0:02:12.108,0:02:13.618 Destroy them! 0:02:13.618,0:02:15.641 Do as Ghedeon did! 0:02:15.641,0:02:22.607 Joshua could not longer advance on the path of God to conquer for a reason. Why? 0:02:22.607,0:02:31.439 Because a certain man Achan, though God gave them victory over Jericho, took unholy things and hid them in the camp of Israel. 0:02:31.439,0:02:35.732 Israel could not advance with God. Joshua said, "Lord what is happening?" 0:02:35.732,0:02:40.482 "There is someone with you, in your camp who is working unrighteousness." 0:02:40.482,0:02:43.447 "This one is not bringing you benefit, only damage!" 0:02:43.447,0:02:44.131 "Who is it Lord?" 0:02:44.131,0:02:45.120 "Achan!" 0:02:45.120,0:02:47.746 He should be removed from the camp! 0:02:47.746,0:03:05.778 The people and relations in your life that are not benefitting you, I'm not saying to you to terminate them, but to pray for them and if they don't change is more convenient to keep distant. 0:03:05.778,0:03:10.855 You cannot advance with God having wrong company with you. 0:03:10.855,0:03:18.484 Again God told Joshua to circumcise Israel (Joshua 5:2). It is not what God demands for us! 0:03:18.484,0:03:25.744 Paul the apostle says in Colossians chapter 2, that we as Christians should be circumcised inner our hearts. 0:03:25.744,0:03:27.670 Spiritual circumcision. Why? 0:03:27.670,0:03:33.355 Because from within starts reformation and from there you can start walking with God! 0:03:33.355,0:03:44.603 Circumcise from your heart all altars, and weaknesses, because you will walk on a path that has no place for such things. 0:03:44.603,0:03:52.139 Am I subscribed to all kinds of worldly, carnal social media platforms and apps that contaminate me and pollute me? I will unsubscribe, and erase them! 0:03:52.139,0:03:58.718 On the path of holiness with God you cannot walk without thorough reformation of heart and life. 0:03:58.718,0:04:04.564 Why did only Caleb and Joshua make it in Canaan, and advance on this new path with God? 0:04:04.564,0:04:10.037 These two men of faith, among all from Israel -603.500 men who could fight, 0:04:10.037,0:04:21.698 only two men made it and advanced because their heart was circumcised towards Egypt; they obeyed the instructions of the Word daily! 0:04:21.698,0:04:28.405 "Lord, with You is the safest way, not as we knew!" 0:04:28.405,0:04:42.153 Have this in your mind, that inwardly there is a need for the reformation of the heart and life - spiritual circumcision - , remove everything is unglody. 0:04:42.153,0:04:49.836 The second thing you have to focus on is that you need to start/continue building God's character in your life. 0:04:49.836,0:04:54.580 The character of Christ Jesus in you! 0:04:54.580,0:04:58.147 You placed the foundation through the reformation of the heart and life. 0:04:58.147,0:05:16.109 God told Jeremiah when He called him to be a prophet, "I assign you today upon kings, nations, and Israel to uproot, cut, and remove what is filthy, to reform 0:05:16.109,0:05:22.523 and then to build, consolidate, and what I will ask you to do!". 0:05:22.523,0:05:30.925 God demands reformation of the heart, but after this work comes the work of building - Christ's character in us -. 0:05:30.925,0:05:39.679 The likeness-character of Jesus Christ in us is the most valuable thing, that God seeks in His people. 0:05:39.679,0:05:47.407 When He looks towards us, He wants to see His Son in us, and not at the level of a baby, but at the level of maturity. 0:05:47.407,0:05:56.461 Christ as a baby in us cannot be used by God, because the carnal man with its desires dominate. 0:05:56.461,0:06:13.023 Christ's character in us has to do with the development of His nature in us, this is what the character of Christ means. 0:06:13.023,0:06:20.595 To build His character in us can be done in two ways, yet many people run from it. 0:06:20.595,0:06:24.803 We all like the word 'character', saying here and there, "Look what a nice character he/she has!" 0:06:24.803,0:06:30.168 I want to tell you that you don't need a nice character in you, but Christ character in you. 0:06:30.168,0:06:39.654 No matter how nice your character is, still it belongs to you; no matter how good according to your standards or people views, is yours. 0:06:39.654,0:06:46.688 God wants His Son character in you - this is different! 0:06:46.688,0:07:00.650 This means that you are so conformed with Christ Jesus, that His Spirit with your spirit is one; Christ Jesus thinks, speaks, acts, reacts, is silent, stretches the hand. 0:07:00.650,0:07:06.685 He does His works through you, because you are dead and He lives in you! 0:07:06.685,0:07:17.072 God is inviting you this year on the new path with Him after you have reformed your heart of the old things, to start building Christ character in you. 0:07:17.072,0:07:24.665 It will hurt you, but when there is pain then there is spiritual gain if you have the right attitude! 0:07:24.665,0:07:39.484 The first way God builds character in us has to do with trials, opposition, difficult circumstances in your life, family. 0:07:39.484,0:07:52.245 Through all these things there is a general purpose, your growth, development, and progress toward God; it is not easy if you don't have a biblical foundation of resources to manage them. 0:07:52.245,0:08:05.163 This is a way by which God cuts, works, and does what He needs to do in us. 0:08:05.163,0:08:20.376 To find spiritual gain from difficult situations, your answer to it is very important, your attitude is crucial in such a situation. 0:08:20.376,0:08:25.387 This is a way by which a godly character is being built through trials. 0:08:25.387,0:08:30.405 The second way to build godly character is the Word of God. 0:08:30.405,0:08:40.042 When you read it slowly, repeatedly at your best time and afterward you meditate upon what you read. 0:08:40.042,0:08:52.214 The third thing we need to focus on, is in the fact that we need to establish a clear objective and plan through out the year. 0:08:52.214,0:09:05.934 What is the goal, the result we want? Where do we want to see our prayer life at the end of 2024? Where do we want to stand with the Word of God at the end of 2024? 0:09:05.934,0:09:19.644 Let me give you and example, "I want my prayer life at the end of 2024 to be filled with the fire of the Holy Spirit and to be happening 3 times per day, not as a burden but as a holy desire with passion!" 0:09:19.644,0:09:31.967 If you plan to reach that level you need to start preparing it from now on! Start with what you have left, reading His word, praying and you will heat up the coals, 0:09:31.967,0:09:41.780 smaller, bigger and slowly, slowly you reach at the end of 2024 full of God's fire in prayer fulfilling your objective, 0:09:41.780,0:09:48.297 praying at the level you wanted, because you have planed it from the beginning and maintained that resolution. 0:09:48.297,0:10:00.686 At least once pass through the Word of God - establish this goal -. If you will read 4 chapters a day you will read it once, if you go to 8 chapters a day you can pass it twice, 0:10:00.686,0:10:08.333 in the right way, so that character shall be built and you become richer inwardly. 0:10:08.333,0:10:21.937 Another objective you can establish, is "Lord, if last year I supported a family and helped it, this year I plan to do so more!" 0:10:21.937,0:10:34.577 Establish goals and objectives because they will be before you during the year as indicators, reminding you that you promised God something and you will hold on to that promise. 0:10:34.577,0:10:37.920 Don't just allow things and days to go without any plan! 0:10:37.920,0:10:46.580 If we do not want to end up like the masses out there, Christians or unbelievers who are unsure of their plans thoughts and objectives, 0:10:46.580,0:10:49.739 your objectives must be clear today! 0:10:49.739,0:11:06.000 [ Music ]