Oh Ada, do we have anyone that has arrived yet ? Yes, your evening appointment is in the waiting room and ready to come in. Oh wonderful. Would this be the 9 o' clock appointment ? Yes they're a little early, shall I let the patient in your office ? Just give me a few minutes, while I'm getting everything ready. Can you offer them a cup of tea or something ? I can certainly do that, you know I can make them feel right at home with that special blend of mine. You're an angel Ada, thank you. Good evening my dear, it's been a while, how are you ? So let me see. Tonight I am to check your cranial nerve and test your senses so you can get a certificate for your next mission, is that correct ? Wonderful. Which zeppelin this time ? Oh the Kashmir ? Yes it is one of the most prestigious, congratulations. So first, I will focus on your nose and smell and see if everything looks normal. To begin, can you please take a deep breath for me ? Right, now with my finger I'm going to gently close your left nostril first and you will take a deep breath again. Same on the other side. Everything's fine ? Wonderful. Now let's check your smell and I'm going to wave different aromas under your nose and you will tell me what it is you smell. Alright ? Let's begin. First one... What do you smell ? Diesel, yes, very good. Another one ? Yes I know, this one is not very pleasant. Hydrogen sulfide, yes. One last. Here we go. Any ideas ? One more time, alright. A quite metallic smell, yes. Copper, very good. You're doing great. Now let's quickly check your sense of taste and do not worry this one was specifically made for tasting. Please show me your tongue. And one, two drops. Is it sour or bitter ? Wonderful. Everything looks fine. And now let's have a look at your eyes. So I'm going to examine them first and then we'll do a couple of tests and the traditional chart reading and lens testing. Alright. Let's start with a short exam. Did you notice any change since the last time ? Do you see any black spots when looking at my face or at the wall ? No ? Good. So, here we go. Please hold still and just look straight. You can look at my nose if it's easier. Alright. Alright. I'm going to hide your left eye first. So please look up. Look down. Good. Same on the other side. Look up. Look down. Very good. Everything looks fine. And now let's see how your eyes work on peripheral vision. So I'm going to place my hands on each side, but you will keep looking straight, and you will tell me if you see my fingers move on the left or on the right. Here we go. Wonferful. And now there is one thing I'd like to do that I haven't done the previous times. And this is checking your stereoscopic vision. Meaning the ability of both your eyes and your brain to create a single 3-dimensional image of what you see. In other words, depth perception. This is what allows you to judge distance and this is very important of course. You will quickly understand what I mean. And for that we're going to use this new device I got a few months ago that looks like binoculars and in which I will insert 2 nearly identical pictures and you should see one only with some kind of depth, just like you could step in. Let me adjust it. Alright, so you are going to place your eyes in front of the lenses here, and hold the device with you hands. Ready ? Alright so let me insert the first picture. Tell me what you see. Do you see the relief ? Wonderful. Next one... Same, what do you see ? Good. And, one last... So, what do you see on this one ? Wonderful. You're doing great, let me take it back. How was it ? Yes, very interesting. So now let's end with the classic chart reading so I can see if there has been any change since I last saw you. Just let me prepare the testing glasses with your current prescription. Alright ? Alright, here we go. Just let me adjust it on your ears. So what is the smallest line you can read ? That's good, it looks like your eyesight is stabilizing which is a good thing. Can you try this one just under the red line ? It may sound surprising but maybe your eyesight has even improved a bit and your current correction may be too strong. Let's check that. So, slightly lower... Tell me ? Very good. So just as I thought your eyesight has slightly improved. And it's probably because you often turn your eyes in many directions when working on zeppelins, looking far and close and this is just like doing exercices but for your eyes, and that's a very good thing. So we will update your prescription. Alright ? Lake me take it back. And now my dear, let's have a look at your face. So first I'm going to examine your skin and test your sense of sensation on different areas. Nothing painful. Alright ? Let me see. Any discomfort ? Arlight. So now, just relax your face muscles I'm going to gently tap on different points with my fingers. Here we go. Everything looks great, wonderful. And now I'm going to apply a soft pressure with this tiny tool on different points of your face again. You will tell me if you feel it. It's not sharp. Here we go. There ? There ? There ? There ? There ? There ? There ? And there ? Wonderful. Now let's have a look over your hearing. If I remeber well, there was a tiny problem last year. Did you come across any discomfort these last months ? Alright, let's have a look. Alright, just hold still. Let's start on this side. Alright, nothing unusual on this side, let's see the other. Good. Wonderful. And now I'm going to whisper some words behind your ears on each side. And you will repeat them so I'll be sure that your hearing is at its best. Ready ? Let's start. Steam engine. Blaze. Compass. Nimbus. Very good. Just one last, to be sure ? Octopus. Wonderful. So now, I will use a tuning fork. I'm going to strike it and place it on different parts of your face. And you will tell me when you stop hearing the sound, alright ? Let's start with the forehead. Alright, where did you hear the sound ? Left, right, middle ? Good. So, left ear. And right ear. Wonderful. So everything looks normal you're in great condition and ready to start your mission. Just let me fill your certificate. There it is my dear. Good luck and take care. Goodbye. Hey Ada, any other patients tonight ? I see no more entries in my datebook. No I don't think so, and nobody else has shown up in the waiting room. Time to punch our card ? Well I believe so. Dear me, what a day. Have you made any plans for tonight ? Yes, there is this submersible inauguration at the harbour. I thought I would have a look, I heard the captain is quite handsome. Would you like to go as well ? Oh what a wonderful idea, count me in, I will join you in a minute.