Hello this is Emma here at Books Are Magic and we are gonna talk to some residents of Brooklyn Heights to see what they want for holiday gifts this year. Come with me! Let's see who we can find. Excuse me! Hi! what would you like to receive as a holiday gift this year? You what I'd really love? What? A Books Are Magic calendar. (gasps) You're in luck! (gasps) WOOHOOO!! Okay, bye! Excuse me, two women and their dogs Oh, hi! What would you like to receive for a holiday gift this year? Well, actually--plug your ears Are you getting me the-- Shh! Actually what I want to get her is I want to get her a calendar that has authors doing things and I've been looking everywhere and I heard a rumor that Books Are Magic has it You're in luck! Oh, fantastic! Thanks! Hello! Oh, hi! What were you guys hoping to get for the holidays? Maybe not for each other because I don't want to spoil any secrets we just had a secret situation over there. Umm, I want a Books Are Magic calendar. Oh! Thanks! Have a great day everybody! Alright, thank you! Look, it's authors! There's a Books Are Magic calendar? How am I not in there? C'mon it's your first book, chill out. (mumbles) Oh, my god, really, really? It's a cooking book! Come on! Fine!