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Plastic oceans: a true global emergency | Craig Leeson | TEDxPitic

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Océanos de plástico: una verdadera emergencia global | Craig Leeson | TEDxPitic

Craig Leeson and his team spent four years and visited more than 20 locations to research and understand the size of the plastic crisis in the oceans around the world. Their findings are disheartening, at the very least. Luckily, there's a way to turn this around but it will take a huge, worldwide effort to do it with enough time to rescue entire maritime species and ecosystems.

Crig Leeson is an award-winning journalist, television presenter and filmmaker. His debut cinematic feature film, “A Plastic Ocean,” which he wrote and directed was ranked number one documentary on iTunes in the U.S., the U.K. and Canada.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at https://www.ted.com/tedx

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  • Me ofrezco voluntario para revisar este talk. Puro interes en el tema de plastic in oceans. Let me know.

  • ¡Buenas! Lo tomó ayer Cuicani Ríos, pero aún no lo revisa. Decidan entre ustedes =) yo les agradezco a ambos de antemano ;)

  • Ok Florencia, le mande la propuesta a Cuicani, espero eagerly. Gracias x todo.

  • Gracias, Tony. Pero ya terminé :)

Spanish subtitles

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