Global Broadcast | January 04 2024

Global Broadcast | January 04 2024

Yeshua was born in Bethlehem, the city of David, in order for the prophetic promises to be fulfilled. The wise men from the East knew Yeshua was born to be King of the Jews. The events of the gospels take place in Judea, Samaria, and Galilee. The word Palestine does not appear even once in the New Covenant, because it didn't exist.

WATCH today as Asher shares an overview teaching on the historical significance of the biblical events that took place in the region, and how these facts help shape our understanding of what is happening in Israel today.

Hamas has called this recent war, "The Flood on Al Aqsa". That is their goal to ignite a multi-national Jihad to conquer all of modern Israel, Jerusalem, and the Temple Mount. That is the spiritual warfare behind the current war in Gaza.

Yeshua was born as King of the Jews, was crucified as King of the Jews, and will return as King of the Jews. Jerusalem will be the capital of the Messianic kingdom on earth. This war is the beginning of events that lead to apocalyptic confrontations. We need to understand what is at stake.

NOTE: Worship is included in today’s broadcast. JOIN US!

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