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Your SPIRITUAL LIFE is the ENGINE that carries your SUCCESS!

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Your SPIRITUAL LIFE is the ENGINE that carries your SUCCESS!

“The first place you must prosper is your spiritual life, because your spiritual life is the engine that carries your success. If you prosper financially without prospering spiritually, it's like owning a beautiful car with no engine. It may look beautiful, but it's worthless because it cannot go anywhere. Its real value is lost. Its true purpose is missing. It’s just become a fashion parade. This is the case of someone who prospers financially without prospering spiritually. You may see them with money. They have money yet unanswered questions in their life. They have riches, but they are still complaining of what they do not have. In their private, when the lights are switched off and no one is looking, they cry for what they do not have. And parade their car with no engine. What am I saying, brethren? Matthew 16:26 – ‘What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?’ Don't get your hands dirty for the sake of something that cannot guarantee eternity. Don't get your heart dirty for the sake of someone who does not hold your destiny. If your hands are full of money, your head is full of information but your heart is empty, then your life is empty.”

You can watch the full message from Brother Chris here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_5Tb_iR9fo

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God's Heart TV
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