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UK Election 2024: The headlines | BBC News

  • 0:01 - 0:06
    Hello, I'm Sophie Rayworth. Welcome to your election headlines with one story dominating.
  • 0:06 - 0:10
    The BBC has learned that the Conservative Director of Campaigning
  • 0:10 - 0:15
    is being looked into over allegations about betting on the date of the general election.
  • 0:15 - 0:18
    Tony Lee is married to a Tory candidate, Laura Saunders,
  • 0:18 - 0:21
    who is also the subject of inquiries by the gambling commission.
  • 0:21 - 0:24
    Here's the political reaction
  • 0:24 - 0:28
    It's quite properly, being investigated now. How does it look?
  • 0:28 - 0:32
    Well, as I say, you and others looking at this will,
  • 0:32 - 0:36
    I'm sure be doing much more than just raising an eyebrow.
  • 0:36 - 0:38
    If it was one of my candidates, they'd be gone,
  • 0:38 - 0:40
    and their feet would not have touched the floor.
  • 0:40 - 0:44
    There's a wider point here that you touch on,
  • 0:44 - 0:48
    which is we've now had 14 years of chaos of division of politics,
  • 0:48 - 0:50
    being about self-entitlement,
  • 0:50 - 0:53
    and politics needs to be about service about public service.
  • 0:54 - 0:57
    We think there should be a cabinet office, inquiry,
  • 0:57 - 0:59
    I think the gambling commission will rightly look at this.
  • 0:59 - 1:02
    And I hope they come down heavy on those people.
  • 1:03 - 1:07
    Time now for two manifesto launches, first, the Scottish greens.
  • 1:07 - 1:11
    They're pledging to introduce a wealth tax on the richest people in the UK,
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    an end to oil and gas companies being able to advertise,
  • 1:15 - 1:16
    and a stop on all subsidies for fossil fuels.
  • 1:18 - 1:23
    The Cross Community Alliance party launched its Manifesto in Belfast.
  • 1:23 - 1:26
    It's contesting all 18 seats in Northern Ireland.
  • 1:26 - 1:29
    Alliance is pushing for reform of the Devol government, including
  • 1:29 - 1:32
    including changing how the assembly votes on contentious issues.
  • 1:32 - 1:35
    And if you want to see how the parties are fairing in the polls,
  • 1:35 - 1:38
    we have a dedicated poll tracker on our website.
  • 1:38 - 1:42
    Head to bbc.co.uk/alltracker for all you need to know.
  • 1:43 - 1:47
    Those are your election headlines for Thursday, June 20th.
UK Election 2024: The headlines | BBC News

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