So, as you can see from the
slide just in 2017 that is
another milestone for the
circular economy policies. So,
there are actually several
policies was released in that
year. First, starting in
January, we can see the Extended
Producer Responsibility, EPR,
was put in place. So sectors
like electronics, automobile,
batteries, and the packaging
products were chosen as
priorities. Next big step up was
the circular economy development
leading action launched in May.
And overall, it aims to take
circular economy into account
through a broader value chain
and leverage the digital
revolution to achieve that.
While we're speaking of the
digital revolution we cannot
not... we can't not mention the
sharing economy in China. So
responding to the booming
sharing economy, the first
guideline on promoting sharing
economy was released in July. It
acknowledged the new business
model in China, which is a
service over ownership and its
potential for improving resource
efficiency and utilisation.
Having said that, the sharing
economy was actually booming
even before all these policies
were laid out. The best... the
best known example probably is
Mobike, which was launched back
in 2016. And has a reach even
beyond China.