There is nothing I've done in this world
that's more satisfying than serving God.
It brings peace to you, a joy that is not explainable. I cannot even explain it.
My name is Nathan and I live in Birmingham, here in the UK.
So after graduating with a
Masters in Engineering,
I finished my university
during the time of COVID.
And during that time, I started looking
for a job and it was difficult
but I thought it was because of COVID.
So an opportunity came to work as a level three technician and I jumped at it,
hoping that since it was in engineering,
I would have career progression.
But to my surprise, it didn’t happen as
I thought and it wasn’t easy as I thought.
And when I started working at that place,
I remember walking from
one office to another
trying to explain my skills, what I can offer to the company - but to no avail.
They just did not have room for me.
I didn't feel appreciated for the
kind of qualifications I had,
since I had actually qualified
as a level six technician.
This led to me moving
from one job to another.
In a space of three years,
I had five job roles.
And all this was from a place where
I was trying to have a better career,
hoping for career progression
with better opportunities.
Because in every job I'd been at, I didn't feel as if I was contributing as much as I could
since I was level six;
I knew there was still more in me.
The job that I had didn’t
really meet my skill sets.
So at that time, it was so frustrating.
I was jumping from one interview
to another - to no avail.
Even having changed multiple jobs,
on my CV, it didn’t really look good.
It started being suspicious to recruiters.
Even when I used to call recruiters,
they would be questioning me -
how come you are changing jobs so much?
So, there was so much frustration
in me; I was unhappy in my heart.
As much as I was grateful
that I still had a job,
but deep down in my heart,
I was very, very unhappy.
And also at that point,
I was planning to get married.
I couldn’t really plan much because I was not settled enough - not in one place.
I was moving from one city to another
and I did a lot of travelling as well.
But then it happened in June/ July 2023,
God put it in my heart to
volunteer with God’s Heart TV.
At this point, I had been following God’s Heart TV on social media, on YouTube.
I had been watching Brother Chris, listening to the messages.
And I just thought, ‘I want to give back to God as He had been great to me in so many ways.’
Although I didn't have much breakthrough in my career at that time,
I was still grateful to God for what
He had been doing in my life.
So at that point, I went on
the God’s Heart TV website.
There was a volunteer form which I filled in and by God’s grace, the team got back to me.
And I remember they said,
‘We are happy for you to join the team.’
I remember speaking to
Brother Chris. He said to me,
‘You joining us is not going to be a transaction.
You should not join because you
want God to do something for you.
Let it come from your heart and you will be surprised what God will do for you.’
I had this in my heart and when I joined,
I met the wonderful team.
It was beautiful. I was so pleased
to be part of the team.
It was a miracle itself to be part
of the God’s Heart TV Team.
And at that time, I was working in London, which was far from home.
It was far also from the God’s Heart TV Studio in North Wales.
Being part of the team, I was so eager;
I wanted to be more available for God’s work,
to serve every service, and I wanted to be there whenever I was required.
And I had it in my heart,
‘God, if only I could have a job I could work Monday to Friday and free up my weekends.
If only I could have a job
that's closer to home.’
But as much as this was all
in my heart, I was so grateful
that I still had this job I was travelling to.
And this job where I was working also
used overlapping weekends,
so most of my weekends were not free.
Then it so happened that four
months after volunteering,
an agency that I had not
contacted in a long time...
I had given up on looking for jobs. I had given up even asking for career progression.
I was just trying to be satisfied where I was but I didn’t have peace of heart.
And they contacted me from ‘nowhere’. They rang me and said,
‘We have a job opportunity for you close to Birmingham where you live.’
And they were offering
me more money as well.
At that point, I actually declined them -
‘I don't think I'm interested.’
Because that money was not satisfying and it was still a level three.
I thought I’d just be jumping from one job to another again.
Then they came back again.
They convinced me to go for the interview and see what it would be like.
And to my surprise, I saw the
hand of God in that interview.
I remember in the interview, instead of me convincing the managers
that were interviewing me -
‘Please, take me on with the company;
this is the skill set I’m coming with’ -
they were trying to convince
me to join that company.
It was so amazing to see when
they had my CV in front of them,
how much they were appreciating me - something I had never seen.
I had never felt that way before.
In that sense, I said, ‘I'm ready to
jump at the opportunity.’
They even invited me to come down to see the company, the site where they were working.
And I remember when I was in the office there and they give me a tour around,
they were still trying to
convince me to join them,
telling me where they
were going as a company,
and how they would carry me along as well.
I said, ‘Wow! This is a surprise.’ And with all that, I jumped at the opportunity.
I started the job last year, January 2024.
And as I was working there, since they had promised me this career progression,
it took longer than I expected.
And as a human, I was tempted to think, ‘Maybe they have forgotten about me.
Maybe it’s like what I used to do in the past, jumping from one job to another.’
But by God’s grace, I stayed with them.
And after a year, the Director
came to me and said,
‘Nathan, we apologise that it has taken this long for us to promote you.
But here is a job opportunity to lead the team you are working with’ -
although I'm the youngest in the team and some people have more experience than me.
They saw something in me that even
I myself don’t understand.
And they said, ‘Here’s an opportunity for you to be Production Lead.’
I just saw the hand of God there
as I took the opportunity.
And now I'm actually working
as a Production Lead.
And what surprised me - the Director actually apologised
for taking long to give me that promotion.
But looking back and with all the lessons I've learned from God’s Heart TV,
God’s time is really the best.
Looking back, I understand that God was really trying to make me understand more
about the role I was going to take, the company and the team I was going to lead.
And now, by God’s grace,
all glory to God - we are here.
Right now, I’m quite settled.
Even when the company plans, they carry me along about where they are going.
So that has led me to planning on getting married; I even got engaged.
I'm actually in the middle of planning a wedding because my future is more certain.
And I’m also more available for
God’s Heart TV which is good.
To be able to serve God is so satisfying.
Usually I’m in the Technical Team,
which is mostly behind the cameras.
My advice, mostly to the young adults -
get involved in the things of God.
There is nothing I've done in this world
that's more satisfying than serving God.
It brings peace to you, a joy that is not explainable. I cannot even explain it.
And to parents, I really encourage you to please carry your children along
with the things of God.
If it’s going to church, please go with them.
If it’s reading the Bible,
please do it with them.
Let them know God because we live in a world that is very distracting,
especially to the youth.
We live in a world where there’s
so much going on.
But if we focus only on Jesus, He’s the way - and we will not lose our focus then.