What Does the Quran Says About Flat Earth?

What Does the Quran Says About Flat Earth?

Is Everything we see in the Cosmos one big illusion? What is the truth about Earth's real shape?

Video Chapters :
00:00 If your last chapter is the love of Prophet ﷺ then each subsequent chapter’s choices should be in that direction
05:47 Satan’s last chapter has to do with the lower triangle – make you ignorant which leads to anger in the heart and fire on the lower body
11:22 Prophet’s ﷺ came with the upper triangle to counter satan ignorance with Islam, iman (faith) and Maqamul Ihsan (station of moral excellence)
16:00 Satan’s motive to keep you ignorant
18:40 The scientists and universities promoting monkey origin and are agents of satan
22:37 Allah’s (AJ) creation is infinite! Mankind’s science and physics are only relevant to their limited knowledge
27:12 Allah (AJ) makes creation to appear and explain itself for awliya (saints) in their contemplation
28:41 Satan wants you to think these realities are all fake so you don't reach sainthood

Recorded : 20230915

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