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Why We Think We Are Losers (But Actually Aren't)

  • 0:04 - 0:10
    Some of us are continually haunted by a sense that we are losers.
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    Acquaintances may speak well of us.
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    Colleagues may praise us,
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    but there is an inner critic inside who has a very different verdict:
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    you are a piece of nonsense, you are laughable, you are repulsive.
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    This critic is extremely assiduous and determined,
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    they are a world champion of sorts.
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    They’ll get into an argument with our best friend
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    to insist that no, despite what they think, we really are awful;
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    they’ll disregard the evidence of a promotion or surprise birthday party
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    and keep returning to the same theme: you are repulsive.
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    Why does this inner critic exist?
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    Why are they so remorseless?
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    If they are inaccurate, why do they go on as they do?
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    To find an explanation, we have to go back in time.
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    Let’s posit the following scenario.
  • 0:58 - 1:01
    Early on in our lives, those of us with a harsh inner critic
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    are likely to have faced a very troubling situation:
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    someone close to us - it might have been a mother or a father
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    - didn’t seem to especially like us:
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    they were cold and forbidding, they often got angry,
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    or they simply disappeared and maybe married someone else in another country.
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    Or else they fell into depression or became an alcoholic.
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    Why did all this happen?
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    This is the question that would have faced the younger version of us,
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    though we forget this now.
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    It’s very hard for a child to deal with a vacuum of explanation.
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    The mind has to try to find some way of accounting for things
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    because otherwise the mystery threatens to be unbearable.
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    Better some answer than a void.
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    Unfortunately, the childish mind doesn’t have an accurate grasp of adult psychology
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    or the workings of the grown-up world.
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    Nevertheless, it’s an energetic and vibrant machine
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    and eventually, it is likely to land on an explanation that feels very powerful
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    - and that in time ceases to reveal that
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    it is just a good guess rather than an iron truth.
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    And that explanation runs as follows:
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    the bad thing that has happened to me has done so because I am bad.
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    Father has left home because I suck.
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    Mother is screaming because I suck.
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    My sibling died because I suck.
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    It’s almost certain - we hasten to add
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    - that this is not the right answer to why things unfolded as they did.
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    But that’s not the point.
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    This was the answer we landed upon and that felt most plausible.
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    A child will prefer to think that it lives in a rationally ordered world
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    where things happen for logical reasons
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    - even if this means having to think that
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    they are bad rather than to take on board the terrifying notion that
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    things happen that are entirely unfair, entirely undeserved,
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    and entirely reprehensible to the interests and hopes of a child.
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    Better to insist that one sucks than to have to believe
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    in an amoral chaotic senseless universe.
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    It’s easy from here to see how the child who decided that they suck
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    - to be precise, who had to conclude that they sucked
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    in order to make sense of an unbearable pain
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    - then grows up into an adult who continues to maintain,
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    in the face of any evidence to the contrary,
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    that they are dreadful,
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    that all good news about them is merely a cover for hatred,
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    that everything nice is underserved and that they are,
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    despite key bits of evidence to the contrary, a piece of excrement.
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    The way to break out of this prison is to realise that we are made up of parts.
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    The inner critic is not the whole of us,
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    it is a part of us that was formed early on
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    in response to a particular situation.
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    We might now thank it, very politely, for its work,
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    because - at an early stage
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    - it did in fact do a very good job of making sense of life.
  • 3:58 - 4:03
    At a cost, it was responsible - we might say - for getting us to the next stage,
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    it tided us over, it was very clever for a six year old.
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    But at the same time, we can now afford
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    to take our leave of this helpful but profoundly mistaken part.
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    Thank you inner critic, we might say.
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    You did something bold and you meant well.
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    But now, you threaten to ruin what remains of the rest of my life.
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    It’s time to say goodbye to the critic
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    and assess reality through a fairer, less biased, less uninformed lens.
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    We don’t suck, something awful happened to us.
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    We aren’t bad, something bad happened to us
    that we tried to rationalise
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    by blaming ourselves.
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    We aren’t awful people and we don’t deserve an awful future;
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    we just came from a rather difficult place.
Why We Think We Are Losers (But Actually Aren't)

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