My name is Dan Jiménez,
I’m from Madrid, Spain.
I’m an entrepreneur, and I run a company
that operates nationwide across Spain.
I got started because I love traveling,
I love saving money,
and it was an opportunity.
Who doesn’t like getting great benefits?
I loved it.
Now, as I reflect,
I find myself falling in love,
seeing the leadership,
the company,
and the network marketing.
When I start seeing these,
every day I say,
I like it more and more.
The fact that inCruises enriches
people’s lives
is something that touched my heart.
Look, I come from a humble family.
I’m the youngest of four siblings.
At home, only my father worked,
but my parents always enriched our lives
by taking us on vacations
every single year since we were born.
So, when I see that this company wants
families around the world
to have quality vacations,
affordable vacations
within everyone’s reach,
I say, “Wow!”
If inCruises Membership had existed
40 years ago,
I’m sure my mother would have saved
with it.
From January to December,
the happiest time of my life
was when I went on vacation.
When I reflect
on the product and service of inCruises,
it’s about bringing
that excitement to anyone.
I remember not sleeping
for three days before vacation,
and on the day of the trip,
I couldn’t sleep at all.
Imagine telling people,
“Don’t sleep
because you’ll be excited to know
that every year
you’ll have quality vacations.”
Is there a better way to enrich a family?
I’d recommend anyone
who comes across inCruises
to not hesitate for a moment.
Look, the very least
that will happen to anyone
with inCruises
is that they’ll travel more affordably,
with a savings plan.
That’s the minimum benefit,
and that alone is amazing.
And the best thing that can happen
is that they fall in love
with the process,
fall in love with inCruises,
with the business model,
with the opportunity inCruises offers
on a global level
to have your own business.
And I have no doubt,
as of today,
as an entrepreneur, I can say 100%
that I don’t know of a better opportunity
than network marketing
within inCruises. I don’t.
What I would do,
is that anyone who has inCruises
in front of them,
should tell the person
who presented the opportunity to them,
the person who called them on the phone,
“Join the club.”
They should say, “Hey…
I want to start,
I want to improve my life,
my family’s life,
I want to improve my situation,
I want you to tell me,
explain to me how I can start now.”
Surely that person will be thrilled,
you’ll make them happy,
because we know it will be good for you.
What motivates me
every morning to keep thinking.
In love.
Even when working in crisis situations,
is that in the end, when you start,
you realize there are many people
who depend on your leadership,
many people who depend
on your example, your love, your essence.
So being connected every morning
with people from many countries,
people who trust you,
people who have become
a part of your family, their families,
makes that heart and feeling I have for them
“What can I do to improve with them?
What can I do
to help the team grow?
What can I do
to help their families improve?
And that makes me take on
that responsibility with love towards
all of them.”
What I discovered
when I started studying and researching
how network marketing works,
and what inCruises is, helped me a lot.
Perhaps the most impactful thing was reading
the book The Business of the 21st Century.
By Robert Kiyosaki.
Chapter 20 says, “Choose wisely.”
So someone in that chapter
says they have nothing to do
with any network marketing company
and explains how to choose
a good network marketing company.
I studied that chapter,
and one of the things it said was
you need to investigate who
the captains of the ship are.
Wow, that hit me hard.
And that’s when, on inCruises’ website,
in my back office,
I saw that Mike and Frank Codina
were at the helm, and I realized
that Mike had written several books
and worked
as Vice President of Sales for Tony Robbins.
I said, well, this is a person with a reputation.
And when I found out that Fran Codina
had worked in network marketing companies,
leading the company to world records,
being moved from one country to another
and achieving it again, I was like, wow!
I mean, they’re two successful entrepreneurs,
people with a great reputation.
I was sure it was a good company,
and that helped me a lot,
because there were also leaders who said
they were willing to teach you,
even if you’d been there longer than they had.
As the book says,
you need to stick with a company with leaders
willing to help you become
the person you can truly become,
alongside the owners and their reputation.
Seeing those leaders made me think,
maybe this is it.
I think you’ll agree with me that this is 100%.
I always use this comparison.
I say, do you know Zara?
Amancio Ortega, the owner of Zara.
A Spaniard, I say.
With $295, we can become an Amancio Ortega.
The only difference is,
we won’t have thousands of buildings,
nor will we have clothing worldwide,
but we will have Partners
who will generate income anywhere in the world.
We’ll have international businesses,
just like Amancio Ortega.
I’m completely sure that the company’s
international opportunity is unprecedented.
I have no doubt.
I don’t know of anything else in the world
that allows a person
to own a business
anywhere in the world,
like even...
I often
compare it to owners like Amancio Ortega,
owner of Zara,
to owners like Apple, or multinational
companies that sell products or services
anywhere in the world.
And I’d ask, how is it possible?
With a
small Membership where you start working,
you can build and create a business
without a salary cap
anywhere in the world, as long as there are people
in that part of the world
willing to promote the company.
I already have Partners in nine countries.
That is, that’s magical.
So I keep saying and promoting
that anyone
can have an international business.
This is the opportunity
that inCruises gives us.
My name is Dan Jiménez.
I’m from Madrid, Spain,
and I’m an entrepreneur.
I have a company operating
nationwide across Spain.
Look, I’m a Partner with inCruises,
and enriching others
is something really beautiful,
because there are many people
in the world who perhaps don’t have a plan
or an opportunity to create a business
to provide
a better life for their family.
There are people who can’t make it to the end of the month,
people who can’t take vacations, people who, when faced with buying
books or things for their children, might not be able to afford them.
For me, helping families
who simply by promoting and recommending the vacation club
can earn an income
that allows them to have a more comfortable life,
that’s truly special.
That’s why, when we talk about enriching lives, thanks to this opportunity,
you don’t need prior experience, you don’t need a university degree.
All you need is the desire to try something new,
the willingness to let someone teach you, and to be teachable.
If you have that desire and drive, you’ll see the opportunity in front of you,
you’ll take advantage of it, and you’ll succeed if you take it seriously.
I would recommend to anyone who has this chance in front of them,
to not hesitate for a second.
Look, the very least
that will happen to anyone who joins
is that they will travel more affordably, with a savings plan.
That’s the minimum outcome, and it’s already amazing.
And the best-case scenario is that they’ll fall in love with the process,
fall in love with the business model, with the opportunity
that allows you to have your own global business.
And I have no doubt about it.
As a businessman, I can say today
with 100% certainty that I don’t know of any better opportunity
than network marketing within this company. I just don’t.
What I would do is tell anyone who has this chance in front of them
to tell the person who introduced them to the opportunity,
the person who called them, “Join the club.” Tell them,
“I want to start.
I want to improve my life, my family’s life, I want to improve
my situation. Please explain how I can start right away.”
I’m sure that person
will be thrilled because we know it will be great for you.