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Like fire alarms, everything needed
fire extinguishers
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Oh my god, this place's
been broken into
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It was grim
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This bitch, is on her own,
in the haunted warehouse
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Toxic as 'ol **it
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Makes me feel beautiful
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Oh my god, girl
It's been tight
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How this ring light is working,
I don't even know
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because my niece,
my three year old niece
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She ? up on it,
sent it
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She might of as well
yeeted it across the room
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? it away for seven working days
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Catapult it to the wall,
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And it's still alive
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I don't know what the light ? in here
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I've got the curtains open at the moment
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I don't know whether I'm gonna
shut the curtains and
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get some lighting in here,
I don't know
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So the lighting might change
throughout the video